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Albert river shock!


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Just came back from a quick trip from the albert, thanks to the rain. Tried some lures with no hits at all, the water still very murky. Switched to some worms and no bass, but did catch 2 tilapia, one went 15cm and the other 27cm :( No pics sorry. I didn't know tilapia had invaded the albert river system???

Yes, they have gone to a better place aswell!

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Tilapia in the Albert hey?

Wouldnt suprise me!

I was out that way this morning taken the yak for a wash! hehehe

I didnt get any Bass so your not alone but I did see plenty of carp cruzin around.

What area did u catch the Tilapia from?

Did bump into some bait fishos working the Albert and they had been rewarded with 2 legal Bass both near 40cm. Both had been gutted and gilled!:(

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They were caught downstream of the weir so hopefully there are none upstream. It was past the small bridge, turn right before the bridge and on that road about 50 metres to the left there is something thats fenced off (fire station?). Just beside there, walk down to the water.

Bit further up there were some people below the weir fishing, unsure if they had any success.

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bravoboy wrote:

Just came back from a quick trip from the albert, thanks to the rain. Tried some lures with no hits at all, the water still very murky. Switched to some worms and no bass, but did catch 2 tilapia, one went 15cm and the other 27cm :( No pics sorry. I didn't know tilapia had invaded the albert river system???

Yes, they have gone to a better place aswell!

Can (or have you) notify DPI/F about this?

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This doesnt surprise me nor do I think its new.

There are ponds at Beenleigh chockers with Tilapia.

Everytime these ponds flood (they are not deep so it doesnt take much) they flow into the Albert (or the Logan not quite sure). Either way it doesnt matter.

Tilapia can handle salinity levels equal to what the Brisbane River see's at fishermans Island!! My point is if they are in a system like the Albert and Logan, the whole system is subject to them precence.

It sucks but thats the facts of the matter.



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Angus wrote:

This doesnt surprise me nor do I think its new.

There are ponds at Beenleigh chockers with Tilapia.

Everytime these ponds flood (they are not deep so it doesnt take much) they flow into the Albert (or the Logan not quite sure). Either way it doesnt matter.

Tilapia can handle salinity levels equal to what the Brisbane River see's at fishermans Island!! My point is if they are in a system like the Albert and Logan, the whole system is subject to them precence.

It sucks but thats the facts of the matter.



That definately does suck for our local river system. Are those ponds fishable? May as well try and clean them out to reduce the impact

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