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Redcliffe Groin


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Hey all,

Just a quick report from the afternoons session. Hit up the groin out the front of the lagoon in Redcliffe this afternoon. I noticed this morning whilst in Redcliffe it was blowing a light westerly and reasonably glassy and said to myself, myself we're wetting a line this afternoon.

Anyway got down there around 3.30 after my parent teacher meeting and went straight for the plastics. No bait as per normal. Flicked around the northern side for a while with no luck. Decided to hit the southern side and move up to the very end. The tide was so low it wasn't funny, thanks to the new moon. Found a spot a little down from new friend Trevor. Spied a nice little turtle wollowing around underneath me and then splash. My new friend, although I didn't know him before hand went for a swim.

Poor old bugger, your typical old fisho, alvey reel and all, around 60yrs and a very banged up knee courtesy of the fall. Butn he wasn't going anywhere. Introduced myself and struck up a conversation. I pried a little info re the area and whats been caught of late. Some big bream out there he reckons, as well as tailor, snapper, sweetlip and jewies. Funnily enough all he was using was bread. And he was pulling in some big bream right beside me.

Decided after seeing a heap of bait fish to throw a popper around for a while. One good bump and that was about it for the popper. So on with some plastics at the 1/16th weight with a 3 inch nuclear chicken, hoping for some bream. Heaps of little bommies and more jigheads, plastics and leader gone.

A quick move to the point and I could see mullet schooling up and boiling away. Some big mullet jumping around and was hoping to get into some tailor. It didn't come off though. Couldn't quite reach them. Anyway I threw a little Gulp pogey out and had quite a few bumps before I was on. Was hoping for a little bream or tailor and landed a yellowtail around 40cm. Not what I was hoping but a fish is a fish.

Decided with the sun disappearing the smart thing to do would be to move as I don't want to follow Trevors lead and come a guttser. Anyway could still see bait fish about so had another throw around at my first spot with some more bumps. Then on again and yet another yellowtail. Then wouldn't you know more gear lost. Anyway BCF is going to love me in the next couple of days as I restock and get ready for the SOO.

So a reasonably successful afternoon fishing was had. Not the target species but who cares, fish are fish and they're all good fun to catch. Sorry for the long read, it's a habit from work.


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Good on ya Brett. Looks like a good little scoping session. Was eyeing that area near the playground off myself for a few flathead last weekend. A bit of sand / mud between the rocks, I felt sure would hold the odd lizard. I think I need to try the bread with the kids, but obviously avoid that slippery rock. Nothing like a quick dip in Winter to cure what ails ya!


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spent the day down there today in my yak. Got a nice bream and lots of small snapper. There was a another kayak that came in about 3.30 who had three nice snapper on a hard body lure. One would have went 8 kilos. Said he missed a bigger one.

from another brett

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I am hoping to hit a few spots like these over the 2 weeks I have off over school holidays, and yes, I am afraid I am yet another Brett. Next time I fish, I will yell my own name and see who shouts back. May meet up with another. My head hurts.


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