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Stolen saxophone


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Hi everyone,

My son`s saxophone was taken from the Ipswich bound platform at Corinda train station,on the Ipswich/Caboulture line, last Wednesday afternoon,during the exodus of school kids,and others, heading home.

Its been reported to the police, and is insured,unfortunately there are expensive accessories(extra mouth pieces etc) in the case that are not insured.

The sax is, brass/gold coloured,in as new condition,in a gray coloured,moulded hard plastic case/like a small port.

If anyone out there is like me,and occasionally checks out 2nd hand shops for bargain priced used quality fishing gear,and you see a sax in one of these stores,would you send me a PM about it.


cheers Gad

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shortie wrote:

I to have been in this situation. having my horn flogged.

with an intense look on your face at the time,I imagine shortie.

What cheesed me the most,is after this happened,I did a mental note of musical instruments in this family..1 plays- violin,sax,oboe,keyboard..1 plays sax,1 plays violin and keyboard, 1 plays trumpet.

FARRR OUT.... and sometimes I get a quisical look when i,very occasionally, pick up a new fishing toy

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Sure it wasn't one of your neighbours? ;)

Low act, most people wouldn't know the value of those things, so either a very opportunist idiot, (try and sell that in the pub on friday night) or he may indeed have been targeted by someone who new that value and had a buyer lined up.

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Hi Feral,

my first thought was,opportunist idiot,but if that had been the case,I would imagine it would have tossed the sax as soon as they opened the case up.

The lad and the rail staff had a look around the area and couldn`t find it.

He travels the same route to and from school each day,and has the sax with him at least 3 times a week.

It`s the inconvenience of having to get quotes etc,to do the insurance claim,run around looking for a replacement,that really rubs salt in the wounds,after these type of lowlife acts.

I should turn him into a secret agent with the next one, and handcuff it to him.


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noname wrote:

any camera's at the station, yeah pretty low act, oh yeah 1 did play sax!

Brian D THat sucks Gad, hope the lad doesn't get disalusioned about the loss.

The best day in my life was when we sold my daughter drums - did he play at home?

noname..yea cameras there the police said they would ask QR for a CCTV footage.

Brian D..yes he`s so disalusioned that,he and mum are explaining the every cloud has a silver lining thing..you know the one,now you can fork out extra for an upgrade.

I CAN relate to your best day,yes he plays at home,at school,when invited to fetes etc,he recently played with the Deep Blue Orchestra when they did a show in Ippy.

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