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Adding an open runner


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Hi all

I have recently bought 2 hollow fibre glass, light surf rods, to get 2 of my lads into some surf fishing. I will be teaming these up with alvey reels.To make the line retrieval easier for them to layer back on the reels, I want to put an open runner on the blanks, just in front of the top grip.

Question..can I use a drop of superglue under the footing of the runners,before I apply binding or would the superglue weaken or eat into the blank.



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I use masking tape (the paper kind) just stick one side down, bind the other foot, then remove the tape and bind the other foot, a good quality masking tape will hold it fine no worries. Also make sure to get the offset correct to make sure the open runner does it's job.



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Thanks mangler.

I was talking to a friend of a friend about it this morning,he offered to do the 2 rods for $15,thats got to be cheaper than me buying the materials.

Thanks mangler and waldo for your replies.cheers also mangler for the PM`d site,it`s handy to have.

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