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Cruelty to fish


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In yesterdays Ipswich QT newspaper a, Letters to the editor, writer,wrote about the cruelty to fish,of having been hooked,dragged through the water,and being allowed to die from lack of oxygen.

Basicly it stated that if this happened to other animals,the public would be in an up roar and the RSPCA would act.

The rest of the comment was, fishing would not be banned because it was a well established practice.

Could our local media be the new battlefront,for the"I don`t do it,SO I don`t want you to be allowed to do it"cause

Well,with the present politicians we have,who can smell another vote, with a minority cause,I don`t feel too comfortable,that our well established practice,is safe in their hands


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well if they don't want us to fish .better stop all fishing ,even commercial fishing.

then also no eating fish for any1 at all, and no farming fish .

this is just stupid ,i would like to punch these do gooder's in the snot box and boot them up at ass.

bunch of whingeing turds with nothing better to do .

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Gad wrote:

Could our local media be the new battlefront,for the"I don`t do it,SO I don`t want you to be allowed to do it"cause

Well,with the present politicians we have,who can smell another vote, with a minority cause,I don`t feel too comfortable,that our well established practice,is safe in their hands


certainly not new battlefront wise with honest volunteer groups like the PRFMA under fire who put in heaps of hours fighting to keep fishing sustainable and protecting endangered and protected species like the lung fish safe in our waterways. There are alot of narrow minded people out there who some how think the fish and seafood they buy died of natural causes. common sense is something long forgotten in society. I remeber clearly and article earlier where we (fisho's) where labled nuckle dragging cro mags. Do they think australia should all become vegetarian cause surely if catching fish and eating them is wrong killing any other animal is the same? but yes anyone with common sense and a rational thinking mind between there ears realises its not the same. we arent out there catching fish kicking it in the guts and all standing around cheering while it dies. cruelty to animals in my definition is killing, maiming or wounding and animal for fun. since when was fishing any of this? as if a fish is killed it is purely for a food source or it is a listed noxious breed that is listed for extermination from australian waterways.

i say rest in peace common sense, long forgoten and greatly missed.

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Yes common sense is a marvelous thing,unfortunately, those with ulterior motives play on the sympathy buttons of others,

I posted the above story,as,a name that appeared in the letter was prominate in the "ban circus`s from using councill controlled land/parks in the Ipswich Shire,because of supposed cruelty to exotic animals.This cause had been vocal in the local paper for some time.

Low and behold the Ipswich councill has just recently banned circus`s from using councill grounds.

It does not take much,only time,for the less informed, to create a ground swell of support,for someone elses cause

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Yes to banning circuses with live animals doing un natural acts but no to banning fishing. I trust that most fishos I know you commonsence and concern when they are fishing and either release the fish to swim another day, or dispatch of it quickly to eat.

It was the Courier Mail website during the week that ran a story commented on by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) saying that the world needs to become be vegetarian. A reply to the editor was signed Bill Bloggs from the group called PETA (People who Eat Tasty Animals) :-)

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Davo_Dinkum wrote:

well if they don't want us to fish .better stop all fishing ,even commercial fishing.

then also no eating fish for any1 at all, and no farming fish .

this is just stupid ,i would like to punch these do gooder's in the snot box and boot them up at ass.

bunch of whingeing turds with nothing better to do .

Davo, With verses like that you would make Shakespeare quiver if he were alive today. :P Bloody well said and valid reaction too.


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It all stems back to the "animals are people too" catchcry of these miserable SOBs.

Please take every opportunity to let people know that animals are not people !!!!! and to think fish are even remotely similar is a point only the dumbest believe but the most canniving promote.

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superstryda wrote:

bootyinblue wrote:
A reply to the editor was signed Bill Bloggs from the group called PETA (People who Eat Tasty Animals) :-)

:laugh: Where do I sign up for this one? :)

any butcher shop,fishmarket will welcome you with open arms

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