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Garrett "caved" says Green group


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Recieved this today in Fishing World E-newsletter

Please note editted to cut out the dribbley parts.

Garrett "caved" says Green group

04 Feb 2010

In the wake of the recent Federal Government's popular decision to reverse a shark fishing ban, the Humane Society International has accused the Environment Minister Peter Garrett of caving in to the game fishing lobby.

According to a statement titled, 'Garrett cave in over migratory species protection':

"The amendments are a cave in to the game fishing lobby who are objecting to the listing of the shortfin mako shark as a migratory species under the EPBC Act.... However, frightened of the game fishing lobby the Minister delayed implementing Australia’s international obligations until HSI lawyers pointed out that the EPBC Act required it. Now the Minister’s solution is to amend the law."

Interestingly the HSI puts itself up as knowledgeable experts in the field of shark migration, "We are experts in both the EPBC Act and the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species."

In the wake of the HSI release, Recfish Australia CEO Len Olyott contacted Fisho to reaffirm the recreational fishing body's stance on the controversial issue:

Is not opposed to listing mako and porbeagle and anything else as migratory

Is opposed to a mandatory ban on fishing for them [mako and porbeagle sharks] with no evidence of impact – this is consistent with an Appendix II listing which flags conservation concern but does not require stricter regulations.

If there was concern in our region, it would have been in the CITES brief presented in 2008.

Existing state regulations are extremely conservative for recreational fishers 1-2 fish per fisher in possession with boat and size limits also in place.

Recreational fishers are concerned about the level of shark bycatch in commercial fisheries and state shark protection programs.

Recreational fishers have taken the lead in protecting shark species in many states – e.g. sawfish and Glyphis spp in WA and NT and others.

Internationally, gamefishers have an undisputed reputation and recognition as conservationists and our commitment to conservation and research is highly regarded, it's high time we were shown the same respect in Australia.

The 15th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) is set to take place in Qatar in March.

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just wondering... and this may be a question for admin...

is there a way that AFO can be more aligned or become aligned with these bodies such as recfish?? I'm just thinking in a way that

1 - afo can show some support towards the efforts and views of the greater rec fisho community

2 - its a great channel to get info out there through AFO in the greater scheme of rec fishing

3 - it'll really help put AFO on the map.


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Do$tylz I can see where you are coming from,and not trying to be negative, my thoughts are..

The users/members of this site would be a cross section of the community at large,and each would have their own personal views on; religion/beliefs etc,politics and political parties etc, also enviromental groups and groups who say they represent the recfishers.

Even though I do agree with some of the things that these groups say on behave of rec fisho`s, there are also a lot of things that I personally do not agree with and they all seem to go quite if it`s not going to affect them too much in the politcal ping pong game.

My feelings are that it is up to each,of us as an individual, if one chooses to align themself with a paticular group or not,because when you align yourself with a group you are also aligning yourself with their policies and full beliefs.

Just an opinion.

cheers Gad

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Feral wrote:

Most of the bodies that claim to represent recreational fishers are in reality representing businesses that sell stuff to recreational fishers.

Most of the members of the boards / committees of these groups own tackle or boat shops etc etc.


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