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The gods of fishing smile on your birthday

hunter armytage

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Woke up bright and early on Saturday morning and headed of to the mouth of the river armed with some live prawns caught the night before and a bag of service station pilchards. I was hoping to break the recent run of nothing but undersized squire and frustration by the bucket load that has been my usuall catch lately.

I arrived at the mouth at around 4:30 am and after castnetting for 15 mins I had enough herring to keep the prawns company, I anchor up and out go the livies.

At around 5:30 I am awoken from my slumber by the graet sound of the drag going off and one of the rods bent over.

After a brief tussel up pops my first decent fish in ages, out goes the landing net and in comes my jewie after getting him in I remove the hook which was only just still in the corner off his lip.

Well I am over the moon and after a few photos and some rather dubious measuring with a piece of anchor rope I send him back on his way with the only thing I can think of to include some perspective in the photo being my foot. The reason I have to use a piece of rope is the result of only having a rule on the side of the boat and it only being 50 cm long. This is a right pain the backside if and of the 3 following things happen.

1 you catch a fish over 50 cm

2 you are by yourself

3 you want to get a photo of the fish against the rule

Any way I ring my girlfriend to tell her the news and would you believe that at 5:30 in the morning she does not share my enthusiasm.

After another 20 mins or so my rod with a 3500 baitrunner goes off and quick as flash I flick the lever that engages the second drag and twang , ahh some idiot ( me )left the drag set on full when he was getting it off a snag half an hour ago.

Well whatever it was snapped 30lb braid like it was dental floss.

So I am re rigging that rod when the other rod bends over and after the first couple of head shakes I am pretty sure its another jew but dont want to get too excited untill it in the net.

About 5 mins later my 2nd jew of the morning is in the boat and now I am super happy , but this time resist the urge to call the girlfriend and share the news after the recption i got last time. this one measures around the 75 cm marks and few happy snaps later and off he goes back in the drink.

The sun is now up and I start to think about heading home when something takes a liking to the live prwan, and in comes this nice little flattie at 49 cm ( in the photo you can see what i have to do to try and get the fish against the rule and get a photo at the same time)

I am not after a feed today so he goes back to river for another day .

Lastly the usuall suspects start showing up so after catching the first ray and having to cut him of and re rig i decide to call it a day and head home, I think this was all down to the fishing gods giving me break on saturday as it was my birthday and maybe me just getting out of bed a bit earlier.

Ps will try to attach the pics

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