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where to get some nice size fish this sat morning


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Hi, i am going to be heading out this saturday morning around 5am. please can someone give me any good spots for any decent size fish like jew, tailor, sharks, bream, and flathead, and any fish that is a nice size, . i live in cabolture but am good to drive to north brisbane or sunshine coast the tide is low at 5.24am

Thanks to anyone how can help Corey

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Mate it takes more than a location to get big fish. If it was as easy as that everyone would get big fish all the time :P

Truth is just about anywhere can produce good fish. Just a matter of knowing your gear, baits, lures and putting in the time.

That being said, someone who knows exactly what they are doing can dud out.

As they say, thats fishing.

There are 100's of proven locations mentioned in the reports in this site. Read them. Note the gear used. Note the times they occured. Not the succceses and failures. Then try to put as many of the positives into practice as you can.


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