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sharkin ( small ships channel )


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This story is written on behalf of my mate Greg as I took him out for a last trip before he moved up north, so this trip was all about him.

When we got down to the boat ramp at 4.30 Saturday morning at fishermans island, we were greated with a spectacular sunrise and a glassed out estuary.



We intended on following my mate out in his boat, ( frank ) and fishing the chain banks and small ships channel. We arrived to our desenation and with in minuits we had approx four 4-5ft bullies circling the boat. We didn’t bother throwing a bait infront of those guys as I wanted something big to put the hurt on greg.

The gear I was running was a 37kg stand up rod, a penn international 80w spooled with 80lb stren, a 3ft piece of 600lb multi strand coated wire and a 16/0 tuna circle baited with a mullet.

It took about 45mins to 1 hr before we seen the shark I wanted. I picked up the bait and threw it in front of his face and with a quick thrash of his tail he opened up his mouth and took the bait. I threw the lever up on the reel and lent back slowly on the hook and bingo we were connected to a solid 9ft bull shark. I emedeotly handed the reel to greg as he was waiting with back brace and gimble on. The shark took a spectacular first run taking approx 100-120m of line of the reel before slowing. It was about a 45min tug-of-war before he started to give up. Apprx 10mins later he surended to us, brought him along side the boat, put the tail rope on him, got the hook out, took our photos and released him.



We had a talk about the fight, composed ourselves, got the gear ready again and headed back over to our spot. We had time for 1 more shark before calling it a day. I let greg try and hook the next shark.bust he was hiting them a bit to early. So we swap back and within minuits we were hooked up again. This time a smaller specimen of bull shark of about 6ft.With in 10 mins we had him beside the boat, pics taken and him released.

All in all what a top 6hrs out with 2 sharks caught and released. Who can complain about weather like we had on beautiful moreton bay….

Cheers kurt……..

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you sure can swim them to get the latic asid build up to go away.... it just a little trickier that say a billie or bream, cause you have to watch where you grab them cause they will bite... you should see my gunwell and trasom.... but a true fisherman will no wheater to swim a fish or not at the time anyway.....

i had i problem ever and that was up near tagalooma, i was using a tld 50 spooled with 30ld and after 2.5hrs of a fight up came a nurse.... we tried to release it after swimming her but she just sank, luckerly we ended up in 15ft of water and i dove into the water andput a noose around her pecteral fin and pulled her back up. we swam her for another 20mins before she gave a big kick to be released........

now since then i havent targeted game fish on light line cause of the tiring resion, better for them to gome in a bit green then knockin on deaths door step.........

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lol young fella...... it looks that way doesnt it, but one thing is for sure i am not putting my hand down its moust to get the hook..........

thanks for clearing that up ... i was going to ask if you'd recover the trace :P

... we tried to release it after swimming her but she just sank, luckerly we ended up in 15ft of water and i dove into the water andput a noose around her pecteral fin and pulled her back up. we swam her for another 20mins before she gave a big kick to be released.....

might have thought otherwise cos you'd actually go dive for the shark :lol:

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... we tried to release it after swimming her but she just sank, luckerly we ended up in 15ft of water and i dove into the water andput a noose around her pecteral fin and pulled her back up. we swam her for another 20mins before she gave a big kick to be released.....

Mate that is awesome. I don't know too many people who would do that. Thats legendary.

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when you have done as much sharking as i has over the years you become quite attached to the species you are after.... nurse sharks are one of my favourite sharks and i have caught a fair few in the rous channel and up near tangalooma. they are a fierce looking shark but are very placid and the nurse is the only shark that when youi bring them along side the boat they dont thrash. they only bonus i have found with acsidently catching a nurse is that they have cobia around them all the time. not huge but good fun on 4lb.



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