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group sharkin trip


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i was watching alvey mangles up north with his kids. he's got the same one, he was out filming really big tigers and one latched onto the side of his boat and one side went flat haha, he had to drive it all the way back to his big cat with this thing hanging off the side of it, wouldnt let go.. I've caught sharks out of it but nothing big haha.. I'm a thrill seeker though:cheer: :woohoo: :cheer:

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hey guys,

this sounds awsome:woohoo: just where and when< pending,i keen as to tag along and meet some shark fishing dudes, srry i have no boat at mo it is broken:( just for the record i got some nice bullys down the pine river, landbased , sunday just gone, theres plenty around so i keen as always lol. let us know when and whereB)


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AFO SHARK ATTACK spuds good haha

speaking of heavier gear, what would the suggested size setup be.

Give me a good excuse to buy a new setup ;) il only be going for something fairly cheap, under or just around 200. I saw this on bcf, anyone have any quick reviews/thoughts on it???

what will everyone else be using?

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yep you can hand line its good fun???????:silly: i nearly lost to fingers that way. i told my mate to hand me the handline and he handed it to me open faced and i put my hand back for him to put it in and 2 loops of line came off and went over my up you finger and the one to the right of it on my left hand. it tighteded up real quick and cut through the glove. luckaly he had enough sence to cut the 130lb mono.... so yeh you go you them but be careful

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Handlining sharks is incredible fun.

We used to get up to 20 sharks in a good session with many around the 100kg plus mark.

When we hooked into any large Tigers,Whalers or Whites we would wrap the line around the stern post and hang on till it broke,lol.

Good quality soft gloves are a must though and a very sharp knife incase you cop a wrap of line around your hand or foot as it can get very dangerous if you step into the line laying on the deck.

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