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took my mate and his kid down to the local duck pond to feed the ducks and to my amazement carp were comin up and feeding on the bread. so i went to my car and got my rods out and got 5 carp in quick sucsession behore they spooked. so i will no what i will be doin most arfternoons after work....hehehe, kullin those dreeded things...

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I know the pond, the floating monsoon in the rivers worth a crap and a fish for bullies, got a few there using whole live catties as bait...I to have rods in my car 24/7 when I was single I was always packed for a last minute dash to gladdy for the night...It was my house on wheels lol

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Nice work Kurt. Do u always keep a few spare rods in your car haha

what are you talking about chris i thought it was normal to have your rods in the car. what is the point of taking them out. I always have a few in the car. Never know when u will need them.

good one kurt. good to see u culling those things. wish there was more of it

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