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Stolen fishing gear


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if anyone has any information about this, truest me, I WILL MAKE IT WORTH WHILE COMING FORWARD if it leads to getting my reel back......... :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

well my storie is not funny but i had an shackphere??? albcore 80, an awsom and expencive reel, set me back $1200 somewhere when they first released their new modle. anyway i lent him the 80 as he wanted to do some shark fishing. me knowing him for 2 yrs now i didnt think twice about it.

1 week passed and ask him when he is returning it. ow i will be down in acouple of days. this went on and on for 1 month.

he rang me back up and said can i use it again seeing i still have it. yeh ok but bring it back.

4 days passed, mick where is my rod and reel ow its at my bros place in redland bay. i will get it for you in the next few days.

this went on for months, and then i lost contact with him. he moved and dissappered off the face of the earth.

i managed to track him down 3 months ago and told him if he doesnt give my reel back their will be hell to pay. sorry dude i forget all about it, your rod and reel is in storage, my bro and his wife split and he has all his gear stored....

once again he has disapered, and still to this day 1 ¾ years on i can not contacked him via mob, home or face book. so for all you guys out their his name is mickeal wilson and last i new he lived over bracken ridge way. please give him a message, revenge is bliss and karma has a mate called vandetta. please anyone p.m me if know something... cheers kurt

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