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HMAS Adelaide


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I love a happy ending…The ship is now a reef in the making… the dolphins are safe….the diving community has a new toy…the Greenies are happy that they got to waste more money in the legal system….the government got to spend millions and everybody involved is happy

Taken from ninemsn


Controlled explosions have been detonated on decommissioned frigate HMAS Adelaide, sending it to the bottom of the ocean.

It took less than a minute for the vessel to sink off Avoca Beach, on the NSW Central Coast at 11.50am (AEST).

Fireworks shot into the sky moments before a large explosion rocked the ship.

Hundreds of people who had packed Avoca Beach clapped and cheered as the decommissioned frigate disappeared under the water, about 1.8km offshore.

A small band of protesters from the No Ship Action Group had their backs to the ocean when the vessel went under.

The HMAS Adelaide was due to be sunk at 10.30am (AEST) but a pod of dolphins held up the scuttling for more than an hour.

They had to be shepherded outside the 1km exclusion zone by a NSW National Parks vessel.

Dozens of pleasure craft were also moved to create a corridor for the dolphins to leave the area.

The mammals had to be at least one nautical mile (1.85km) from the ship before the explosions were detonated.

Quentin Kirby, a spokesman for the No Ship Action Group, said all the time and money spent on court proceedings opposing the scuttling was worth the outcome.

"Of course it was worth it," Mr Kirby told AAP.

"We delayed it for a year and they spent $2 million cleaning (the ship).

:pinch: :blink: Don`t you love Quentin and his merry band of droplets

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? a dive site huh, well they seem to get all the natural reefs systems these days while the rec fisher just gets bent over with all the latest n greatest bloody failures from desk jocks ! like some fancy crap made from concrete that was thought up by some whizz sittin behind a desk, ohhh, but that sank into the sand didn't it? hmmm well that was a good use of the taxpayers coin ay ? then the tiwi pearl, that never made it to where it was supossed to be, and no 1 knows the cords !then there is these 3 artificial reefs that were promised years ago, when they went all green, any 1 tell me how far that has come ????? yeah i thought so, and looks like it's never gunna happen, so we just keep getting bent over but rest assured , my artificial reefs are attracting fish, to hell with all these fools, they can cow paddy to some else who will believe their poo poo. i really don't know why they bother wasting their breath talkin to fisho's , maybe cos we seem to believe em !!!!!!!!! WAKE UP PPL.......... it will only get worse, mark my words.lets have a create an arty reef day in the bay i reckon, cos at least that does work !


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I have been on this old girl up in singapore 20yrs ago when i ran into an old mate from school who was serving on it he took me down for a look right through it before we i took him for a look through our merchant ship as they were both in the sambawang dock yards. Small world

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I have been on this old girl up in singapore 20yrs ago when i ran into an old mate from school who was serving on it he took me down for a look right through it before we i took him for a look through our merchant ship as they were both in the sambawang dock yards. Small world
sambawang? wth mark lmao, that sounds rude. hahahaha
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