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Brisbane River Jew Fish


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Hey guys

I am new to this website.

Been fishing around Brisbane and Gold Coast for a fair bit now.

Have had some good times and bad.

I been recently fishing around Port of Brisbane, Pinkanba and Newstead park off land and from boat and we have been caughting alot of Jew Fish lately. On poddy mullet, Big prawns and Plastic. We have been throwing them back as we dont know legal size for them.

Does anyone know what the legal size for Jew fish from the Brisbane river???

Does it have a bag limit, as i have seen a few people catching about 15-20 and keeping them all and they dont look that big all around 40-60 mark.

I have talked to other few anglers and i have got different answers. Some say it is 38cm, some say 45cm and others say 75cm as they are classified as mulloway because they are so close to the mouth.

I tried to search up on Queensland Fisheries website but did not have much luck.

Whats the difference between a silver jew fish and a yellow belly. Which one do you catch in the river.


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You should be in bed at this time of night or you will be too tired for school tomorrow.

75cm for a jew anywhere in Qld. Doesn't matter whether you catch it in the Brisbane River or a puddle at MtGravatt Lookout.

A yellowbelly is nothing like a silver jew. Search the freshwater reports for a picture of one.

If you caught a 1 metre jew, I'm guessing, you already know what they look like.....but maybe it was a threadfin salmon (which can be golden/yellow in colour)

Link to tidal waters bag & size limits =

Link to fresh waters bag & size limits =

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Thanks for the info mate.I was just asking a question to be sure.

I know what a Jew Fish looks, Caught a few over the past month in the river not no puddle.


Jew Fish



I been caughting them on plastic and poddy mullet.

That link is really helpful thanks alot.


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Hey guys

I am new to this website.

Been fishing around Brisbane and Gold Coast for a fair bit now.

Have had some good times and bad.

I been recently fishing around Port of Brisbane, Pinkanba and Newstead park off land and from boat and we have been caughting alot of Jew Fish lately. On poddy mullet, Big prawns and Plastic. We have been throwing them back as we dont know legal size for them.

Does anyone know what the legal size for Jew fish from the Brisbane river???

Does it have a bag limit, as i have seen a few people catching about 15-20 and keeping them all and they dont look that big all around 40-60 mark.

I have talked to other few anglers and i have got different answers. Some say it is 38cm, some say 45cm and others say 75cm as they are classified as mulloway because they are so close to the mouth.

I tried to search up on Queensland Fisheries website but did not have much luck.

Whats the difference between a silver jew fish and a yellow belly. Which one do you catch in the river.


Just responding to your questions/points. A silver jew is a mulloway....from birth to death irrespective of size. So any silver jew/mulloway caught anywhere are subject to the size and bag limits.

A yellowbelly is a freshwater species so highly unlikely you will catch them in the same place. You will catch yellowbelly and mulloway in the Brisbane River depending whether you're in the fresh or salt parts.

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Kiara just wondering why do you keep Taylor but not Jewfish?

Mulloway are by far a better table fish than Tailor, that IMO taste like mullet.

Maybe you know how to cook them? I bleed them on capture but they still do not taste any good.


i've only ever kept 2 jew, and they tasted foul in my opinion. I filleted one and crumbed it, and i stir fried cutlets of the other with brocolli. i didnt finish either dish.

with tailor, before cooking the fish, DO NOT let the fish get in contact with fresh water. gut it and scale it, but dont let it come into contact with any freshwater because the flesh starts to degrade the moment it comes into contact with fresh water. gut them, scale them, then use tissue paper to wipe off the blood inside the stomach cavity. I also find that freezing individually helps preserve the fish alot as you dont need to defrost a whole load of fish to get at one to cook.

i normally just wash a fish quickly before cooking it. from experience, a tailor that has been washed with fresh water and left for a while or frozen has meat that flakes badly, breaks up and tastes terrible :/

with cooking methods, I think they taste pretty good whatever way they're prepared for the table as long as they've been cleaned without freshwater.

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thanks for the tips

I will try those things as I often clean my fish in fresh water.

And yes I have had the Tailor breaking up and having no taste, but I have also eaten them and they taste good, maybe thats the key.

Dare say the thread will be shut down soon by the looks of it.

Or at least edited.

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ok guys.

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I will leave this thread locked as the original question is answered.

Play nice everyone.

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