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bribie island 17/8/11


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ash and i hit the beach at bribie mainly to prospect and chuck a line out while we chilled. unforntuneatly we got no runs but have decided to go back sunday and give it another go.


has anyone sharked the area from where you get onto the beach up to the last gun tarrot and if so what was the current like and what did you catch.

hear are some photos from yesturday







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A friend of my got spooled on his Penn 80 from the beach about 2 years ago, im not sure where but not the first of earing of this happening. I do belive it was summer and the water being over 23 degrees, but give me a call on this when you get a chance.


sweet... i know i have your mobile number somewhere, but p.m me it just incase and would you be keen taging along one trip

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last summer a me and a mate were fishing off the rock wall near the bridge (calm side), i chucked a livey on and about 20 min later got snipped off, wasn't really a run or anything something just bit straight through the leader, only had about 40lb leader but still. the sharks in the passage might be a little small for you though ;)

also if i remember correctly a member caught a small hammer head earlier this year on the calm side somewhere near the bridge i think. cant wait to fish the passage in the summer theres gotta be some sharks that go through there

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