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I killer craving and an itch needed scratching


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well i got a phone call from my mate frank ( pro crabber ) and he said, sorry mate but i need to drop some stuff into so at work.....he rocks up at 1.00 with a styrafoam box and says, hear mate i got you something. i opened the box and their were 4 big cooked spanner crabs and about 2-3kg of prawn in the box.god i love connections. anyway i phoned the misses and said, babe got some good news to brighten up your day, and told her what i had and are you keen to go down to the logan river to have a quike fish for sharks while eating the seafood. hell yeh she says.

we got down to the river at 7.30, sat dwn and made 2 100ld black magic traces with circle hooks on them and put one out on my pheness?? gear 3lb cristle on a pflueger supreme and 4 lb leader and the other on my 3000kix running 15lb on it. once they were out we chowed down on the crabs and prawns, and i just finished sharing one spanner crap with ash and was just opening the next crab when the little pflueger supreme goes zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. i jumped up flicked the bail arm over, did the drag up and lend slowly back on the rod, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and on and on an on, finally slowed enough for me to cain some line but evertime i gained 10m it took 5-10m back out,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, finally after a 15min and 35sec battle ( i no this cause ash filmed it ) i see the trace, then a fin. next thing i hear is the other rod go zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, poop i said ( lightly ) ow well let it go and we will concintrate on this one. i lent down grabed the trace and then its tail and pulled it up onto the jetty, cut its tail off quickly and then grabbed the other rod, flicked the bail arm over, did the drag up the flicked the bail arm back over and then lent back on the rod.zzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz and this was a very poor little fight which lasted all of 2 mins and then i traced that one as well and put it on deck and cut its tail off.

while i was waiting for them to bleed out i could finally get back to eating my prawns and spanner crabs.

first shark that was on the 3lb was 1.2m long and the other one was 80cm long on 15lb.

i did get all footage but cause it goes for 21mins, i need to do quite abit of editing so i dont boar the crap out of you guys watching me fight a shark for 16mins on 3lb gear.

so their you go,you dont get to much better or to many perfect nights then sitting down on the logan river with the best wife in the world eating seafood and catching 2 sharks only mins from home and all in the space of 30 mins for a feed.




if you look closely, you can see the remains of a prawn feeler and head sticking out of mako's mouth





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Mullett, what are they like for eating? are they the "Flake" that we used to get at the chippies years ago?

ok, for me its like lollies for kids. i love it. bled by the tail and once dead put on ice they are surpub. you cant smell the amonia in them and the flesh is so white.

what i will do for you is, tonight we are eating them, i will do a step by step recipe that when you try it, you will never look back

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what kg rod were you using??? and also what bait.

I'm looking to get into shark fishing this summer. I froze some Taylor tails and heads from last sesh.. would this be good? does frozen bait work ??? and would the good old pilly work??

cheers James

anything works for sharks..... my favourite hands down is ell, pike or freshwater.

pillies work ok, but just remember they will get pecked by catfish, bream ect. if you are to use pillies, use a float or balloon to suspend you bait of the bottom.

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Whereabouts on the Logan were you fishing Kurt? My son wants to try a bit of Bully action (and I must admit i am keen myself), so am looking for a spot not too far away, landbased, so we can squeeze a trip between my study sessions. Any tips chasing these guys would be great!

Cheers Andrew

behind logan hospital.

mate if your keen we can arrange a trip very soon after work or something

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