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texas trip results


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Friday afternoon did come quick enough. My truck was pack at was sitting at work watching the clock tick down. 2.30 arrived and I could get out the door quick enough, into the car and I was off to Texas. The plan on the way down their way to do some letter box drops to try and get some more properties to shoot on. I started about 30km sth-wst of Warrick. I got to a area called karara, and stopped at my second letter box, got out of the car, walked over to the letter box and out of the grass trots a 50-60kg pig. I looked at this pig trotting away and thort to myself as it stops, you’re so lucky I can’t shoot you, so I ran back to the car, got my camera out a took 3 photos of this pig.

Back on the road again heading to Texas, I get just outside Inglewood and screeeeeeeeeeeeeech, on go the anchors as a roo jumps out in front of me, Phuew,close call. I continue driving and doing letter box drops and eventually getting to the property at 8.30 and getting a friendly howdy from brad ( bass tracker ) and matt ( rays son in-law ). Them not knowing the property they were waiting for me to arrive so that they could set up camp. We jumped into the 4wd’s and headed over the very rough tracks with the steep hill climbs with shale and ruts all over the track. We arrived to our camping spot set up camp and had a good chin wag. By the time we got to bed it was around 12.30 and with a 5.00 get up, we had a short sleep ahead of us. Well for me it was a very broken sleep with mat trying to call in all sorts of wild lift ( snoring ) and the very cold weather ( 3 degree ). The alarm went off at 5.00, but I hit snooze 5-6 times before I decided to drag myself out of bed into the misty air and dewy covered ground. The other guys got up not too far behind me was all ears as I ran through some of my pointer for this property.

The air was filled with excitement and anticipation with bullet belts being filled, camo being put on and scopes being cleaned. We loaded up and set off and stopping every 10-50m or so to scope out the mountain sides looking for any glimpse of a goat or pig. After about 45mins in the car I finally spotted 1 goat 3 vallies over and mayed the call to suit up and try and stalk in on this goat, ( where there is one goat, there are more. We got to the first valley and said, now guys, this is why I had to say and ask if you were fit or not. The vallies hear are not an average valley, this is true goat country where in some sections, if you slip, your dead. On average each decent is approx40-50 degree angle made up of anything from shale to boulders, if you don’t wish to proceed this is the time to say so, no one objected so we pressed on We hike for around 1 hr and got to an area where we thort they would be. Next we hear ( baaaaaarrrrrrrrrr ) then silence. We discussed how we would attack them and while we were talking, brad says, pig… not 10m to our rite was a boar around the 40 kg me rooting around, we made the call not to shoot it as we were after goat, I t so very slowly trotted off, stopping every 20-30m or so to have a look back as to say, cheers mate and it disappears into the scrub. We continued on stalking the goats and we kept on coming across good sign like fresh poo ect and it seemed like they were always 2 steps ahead and we lost the trail. We decided after 2 hrs of hiking in the vallies it was time to call it, and head back to the car.

After hiking for 5 + hrs we decided to go back to camp, grab the rods and head down to the river ( Macintyre river ) for a fish and swim. On our way down to the river nearly in the exact same spot we spotted goat pretty much in the exact same spot, but this time we counted 10+. So the call was made to stalk them again. We got to the top of the first valley and hear ( baaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrr...baaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr...baaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr ) the boys faces went from happy slash egsorsted to adrenalin filled excited faces. We made of we through the valley and stalked with 20m of the goats, and I said, matt your first up and brad you back him up then me to follow. BOOM, matts gun barks BOOM, brads gun replies, goats are running everywhere, BOOM matt fires, BOOM, brad fires, I stop filming and join in, BOOM, click click as a shell leaves the barrel, click click as another round enters the breach, BOOM, click click BOOM, click click, BOOM, click click BOOM, click click BOOM, click click BOOM click click BOOM, click click BOOM, silence.......... there was a very very strong smell of sulphur lingering and a huge smile of disbelief on the boys faces and matt says, mate thank you very much, I defiantly wasn’t expecting that, brad replies dam that was awesome. We went around and collect all the bodies and brought them into a bunch so we could do a head count and take some photos, 13 goats in total. We took some photos and it was time for me to show the boys how to take the back legs and also how to skin and gut a animal properly. We took all rear legs that we could and 1 trunk. Now was the challenge of getting 26 legs back up the valley to the car, boy and was that a missing. We looked like 3 pack horses clambering our way up the side of the mountain, stopping every 20 steps or so to catch our breath. We reached the car loaded up the meat and went back to camp. Once at camp we decide to have another go at going back down to the river, but this time no scoping out the mountains.

We finally arrived down at the river to be greeted with allot of shade and a slight breeze to cool us down. We got the rods out of the car and had a half ass fish as we were mainly there to relax. It was at dark we decided to head back to camp have a feed and have an early night.

The alarm went off at 5.00 and this morning there was no lingering, we were all straight out of bed raring to go. I decided we should hit the far western side of the property for goats and also it is allot flatter country compared to the other side of the property. We got to a curtain area and we could see dog prints In the sand. So stopped the car and matt howled to see if he would get a response of another dog, we get a response alright....baaaarrrr.... baaaarrrrrrrr ........baaaaaaaaarrrrrrr........ baaaaaaarrrrrrrrr, goats putting out a warning call thinking there were predators around. We proceeded to suit up and stalk the 50m or so to where the goats were. Matt lines up a very nice billy goat for that area, with brad and then me to back up, BOOM,BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOOM, BOOM, BOOM.................. YES matt yelled, I got a good billie, and extends his hand to me and says thank you so much. We walk out to the goats and did a head count and pulled the m into a group. 7 in total, took some photos and decided to call it quits for the day and go back to camp and pack for the trip home. I took them around the rest of the property to show them and we got to the top of a hill and stopped the car as we has reception and I call ash and then bread called his wife nel. As he was hanging up the phone matt says, goats just walked over the top of the hill. i said ok matt me and you will get these seeing they are on our side of the car. Matt count down from 3 and on 1 we will hire......3....2....1 BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM. 3 out of the 4 goats we got. We got our pics with the goats and continued back to camp.

We got back to camp at around 9.30 and stared to pack the up. Brad wanted to take a long shot on a goat but didn’t get the chance, so I got 3 full long life milks and a bottle of water, got my range finder a ranged 300m and walked of and put the milk and water in the tree and came back and said you wanted to do some long shooting, there you go, you’re up. He took rest on my big 200l esky while sitting in a chair and I looked on through my scope......... BOOM, miss to the right.... BOOM, miss high and right.....BOOM.....miss to the right.... brad can I have a go...... BOOM hit...... brad goes hmmmmm, give me another go BOOM miss right, matt said give me a go BOOM, miss right I quit.... brad replied.... BOOM hit..... BOOM miss right, BOOM hit..... BOOM miss left....BOOM, miss, I said mate last change or its mine....BOOM.....miss, I put a round up the chamber, BOOM hit... sorry mate, that s how you do it... mate I think it’s time to get your trigger worked, it’s too hard to squeeze and you are pulling the gun to the right.

Well we finished packing up got into our cats and headed for home at 12.00 on the dot. I myself did some more letter box drops on the way and got home at 5.00 on the dot.

Well I for one had a great trip guiding people around a property, hunting game they have never hunted before. We ended up with 23 goats in the 2 day trip. Thanks you brad and matt for giving me the opportunity to guide you around a property and hunt goats and to teach you guys a thing or two.

Also thankyou ray for putting me onto matt, he was a real pleasure to hunt with.

Cheers Kurt..........



brad with back drop




matt goats


brad and i


matt billy




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Fantastic weekend mate, I have to say I was not expexting to stalk up so close and unleash carnage like that.. Stepping out of the bush after shooting one goat then walking up the hill looking through the scope, going through a couple of mags of ammo shooting off the shoulder while walking WHAT A BUZZ!!! Seriously..

Thank you again Kurt,I had an awesome time...

I wonder how many Klms we actualy walked.. got to be 20 haha

Heres some of my pics


tree in a bottle


Dusty AFO


sunset in a bottle

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BOOM matt fires, BOOM, brad fires, I stop filming and join in, BOOM, click click as a shell leaves the barrel, click click as another round enters the breach, BOOM, click click BOOM, click click, BOOM, click click BOOM, click click BOOM, click click BOOM click click BOOM, click click BOOM, silence.......... there was a very very strong smell of sulphur lingering

" Nothing like the smell of Cordite in a morning....smells Like VICTORY" :lol:

great report thanks

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BOOM matt fires, BOOM, brad fires, I stop filming and join in, BOOM, click click as a shell leaves the barrel, click click as another round enters the breach, BOOM, click click BOOM, click click, BOOM, click click BOOM, click click BOOM, click click BOOM click click BOOM, click click BOOM, silence.......... there was a very very strong smell of sulphur lingering

" Nothing like the smell of Cordite in a morning....smells Like VICTORY" :lol:

great report thanks

thats the word i was after...... cordite......

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mmmmmm Goat curry yum. Looks like you guys had a cracka of a weekend. It always sux seeing pigs or whatever on 'unshootable' property.

How do you go with the letter box drops, ever had any calls? I imagine it would be hard pressed to get a response.

this is the first time i have done it. fingers crossed to get feed back

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