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goat trails, bent rods and giant hovering birds


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post for madmullet sharklady and basstracker

Rising to the alarm going off at 5.00, ash and I scramble out of bed and headed straight for the kitchen to make a coffee. once bright eyed and bushy tailed we head down to the car and finished packing from the previous night and headed off. We got to brads place around 6.30 and had a quick chin wag and headed off.

After a quick stop into Noosa yacht club to pick up brads dad we headed to the barge at Tewantin and drove onto the barge and payed our fee of $6.00 per car. We drove of the barge and headed for the beach.

We got to the 3rd cut in, the entrants to the beach and locked the hubs, selected 4wd hi rand and hit the sand and on our way through the soft sand headed for the hard sand, we notice a another 4wd bogged to the diff. once we hit the hard sand we got out of the car and walk over to them and asked if they wanted a snatch out, with a quick reply of that would be awesome. I got the snatch strap out of my car and brad got his car and reversed up to theirs and connected up the strap and popped him out very easily. We continued down the beach and 45 mins later we were parking the car at the base of the headland and jumping out of the car.

Bags on back, rod wraps on the rods and slung over shoulder, we headed for our destination. Never been to the area brad had in mind, I didn’t know what the hike had install. The only thing that kept ash, brad, brads dad and I on the goat trail of a track was looking over the edge of the cliff to crystal clear blue water with turtle swimming around and seeing the rocks disappear into deep blue water. After a good 30mins of climbing and clambering over rocks we get to our fishing platform to be greeted with a 5-10 knot nth-est wind and a 1-3ft swell.

We u unpacked all our gear and the first outfit I got set up was my 3500kix spooled with 12lb brain matched to a Berkley pro team soron stk 4-6kg rod with a 20lb black magic leader and a 1/6 2/0 nitro jig head and a ecogearaqua bream prawn salt and pepper. I walked over to the end of the rock and started flicking around. Having only a few little inquiries I move spot and threw out. While feathering the plastic down through the water Colum, I got a bump and nothing. It finally hits them bottom, and on the 5 slow lift I got crumped in a big way,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,afew good pumps and of again,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, it finally slowed and kept its head down and used the sweep to its advantage, it was a slow fight and a very hit and miss fight cause of all the cover and overhanging rock ledges. Finally after 5 mins I got colour, a nice trevally and I said to brad how are we going to land this from up here with no net, good question, I gave him the rod and went down to the waters edge and comfort lifted the trevally. If I am not mistaken, I think it’s a Longraker Trevally. Any way took a couple of quick picks, removed the hook and speared it back into the water. I felt my leader and it was all frayed, so a quick leader change and I was back into it. I got into a few bream in the mean time on the plastic over a space of 2hrs, so a change of plastic was on the menu. I said to ash, babe pick me out a plastic so she went for a big rummage through my bag of plastics and pulled me out a 5†camo gulp, so I change hook to a 1/6 4/0 nitro jig head. I put the plastic on and started flicking around. 10 mins later zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz a hell of a screaming run and then came taring back to me and we played a huge tug of war for about 10 mins when I felt no more tail beats, he reefed me, so I grabbed the spool and gave a good lift and it came out of whatever it was under or around and a few more pumps of the rod and we have colour, another good trevally. I handed the rod to brad and climbed down the rocks and pulled it out of the water. absolutely stoked with my fish, I got a few good photos, unhook the fish and speared it back into the water.

Happy with my to trevally and a few bream it was time to get out the big guns. I put my soft plastic combo down and started to get my tld50w lrsa spooled with 80lb fins braid topped with 80lb stren for stretch match with a fully rollered 37kg stand up game rod. I made up a snell rig to suit a big slimy mackerel with a 8 ball sinker to hold it in the sweep. I attached a balloon and floated it out past the rocks and popped the balloons of letting it go to the bottom. I put the ratchet on and sat it in the rock rod holders. While waiting for that to go off, I set up my 3lb outfit so ash could get into the bream. I was next to ash have a good old chat and all of a sudden zzzzzzzz………..zzzz………..zzzzz…..z….z…z…z…zzz I picked up the rod a switched the ratchet of and gave the fish some line and I felt a fait bump threw the line and it started to move off again, so I threw the lever up und struck,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz it powered of like it was a Sunday stroll and then turned and headed straight back for the rocks. All that I could now feel was the feeling of line running over reef and then it stopped, I dropped the lever and gave it some line hoping it would swim out of its home, the line started moving again so I threw the lever back up and got back into try to win this fight, but it still was in the rocks. All of a sudden it just started to swim of ever so slowly and busts me off. I wound the line in and found that around 30m of line was severely fraid, so I cut of the fraid section and made a 30m double to help on the abrasive side. I also made a 1m double of 80lb black magig and put on 2 10/0 big gun hooks on a snell rig. I put another big slimy mackerel on but this time I also tied the hooks into the bait so that the hooks couldn’t fall out as easily. I cast the slimy out into the deep blue water, flicked the ratchet on and sat it in the rock rod holder and fished for bream with ash as I waited. Ash just hooked in to a fish when zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, the tld50 started to scream at me. I pick the rod up and flicked of the ratchet and gave it some line. It was taking line ever so slowly so I decided to strike, well the rod loaded up and the reels screamed , fish on, as the ratchet roared. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz back and forth zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz back and forth zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz back and forthzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.this lasted for about 15 mins before we started to film. The fight was getting on and I was starting to tier due to the fact of having my drag set at 15kg so I decided to use the rock as friend not foe and used them as a game chair so to speak. I was doing big pumps of the rod and each time I thort I was winning, nope it had different plans and would either run for cover or head for the ocean. 10 mins later I had it within 40m of me and decided yes your tiering, I gained another couple of winds and could see a climps of colour and you could see travelly and other fish scattering everywhere, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz off it goes again. I backed the drag off a bit due to not have a gimble and back brace cause I my back was getting sore. 30 mins into the fight and I put up one last ditch effort to subdue the beast of a fish and hit the second gear on the reel and went for gold....... bad choice, this work the fish up and started taking line like we hadn’t even been in a battle. On what was to be its final run a huge barnical covered turtle popped up directly on top of the line and about 70m out, half way along the line, took a breath and dove back down getting it the line caught between its body and the joint in the front flipper and dove getting its self caught in the line....... well we stopped filming rite then and their. I dropped the lever rite back into free spool hoping the turtle would free its self. I waited 2 mins and then put the lever back up and it worked, it freed its self but my fish had either gone over a drop off and caught the line on reef or dove into a cave. I tried and tried and tried to raise the fish but had to give up and put the line off.

We all gathered and they said ow well mate, sorry, ect, took a huge drink and sat down for a rest. Well that was the end of the trip for me I had had enough and so had everyone else so we packed up all the gear and started hiking back to the car. We saw other people go a different way up the cliffs that looked easy....... WRONG, we got to a certain section and brads dads shoulder seized on him and he couldn’t move. To one sde of him he had a 30ft sheer drop and the other side a wall of rock, so he was sitting precariously on a small ledge. We all stressed for about 5 mins an decided that ash and I would take all gear and press on so that brad could leave him their and get back to the car quicker. Well it took ash and I over 30mins to get to the track cause of hauling gear by rope as well as on sholder and backs. We got down to the car and their was a note on the windscreen, mate ooo and 112 both don’t work so I am drive till I find some one with a big cb or phone

He got back around 45mins later and said that the police and chopper is on it way. Brad asked if I had any spare water and foot to take back to his dad. I gave him a bottle of water and some food and saw him disappear over the rocks. Ash and I hung around to wait for the police and ses to arrive. The arrived 40 mins later the police man arrived and I took him to the top of the cliff and said to him he is down their somewhere. The chopper arrived seconds after we had got to the top of the cliff and brad guided the pilot to his dad and then left the area so that they could do their thing. He hiked up to where we were so he could get a safe view of what was going on. We saw the winch man connect himself up and step out of the chopper onto the skids and got lowered down the cliff. Once detached from the chopper, the chopper got out of the immediate area so that the guy could harness brads dad up.

The chopper came back over and lowered the cable back down so they could be hooked back up. We saw the cable straighted and the chopper buckle to one side as both brads dad and his saviour were winched 200ft up to the chopper and to safety. We ran from the top of the cliffs down the path to the beach to meet him. The chopper dropped him of up on top of the mountain due to not wanting to hover over sand I am guessing and he was escorted down to the beach by ses safe and sound but very stiff from being cramped up for so long on a ledge. By this time it was 6.00 and it had just gone high tide so we were stuck on the beach until the tide dropped enough for us to get onto the hard sand.

8.00 was upon us and we made the decision it was time to head off and go home.

Well what an eventfull day that was good trevs, huge unstoppable fish and a heli rescue.

Boy we re all sore from that mission of a hike and ash has sworn she will never go back their. I personally am looking afford to the rematch but am going to take my harness so I can harness my self off the the rock so I can target L.B.G fish a lot more safely.

Final tally.....

Kurt. 2 trevs, bream, don’t no wasn’t counting and a few dart.

Ash. A hew bream

Brads dad. Afew bream

Brad I don’t know.

Not a bad trip seeing we only fished for about 3hrs all up

Cheers kurt,, ash, brad and brads dad

double island


hiking down


water clarity








hooked up to a trev


trev 2




the climb out


rescue chopper




ses walkling him down





vid cut short cause of turtle getting caught in the line

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a big day. Ive fished this spot a lot over the years and either caught or seen caught some very big fish including tuna, spanish and school mackral, big king fish 1+ meters and of course (and this is what I called kurts first hook up) queensland groper. I warned Kurt on the way out there to watch out for them as they are truly unstoppable. I have seen many people spooled by the resident gropers.

Its a full on trip around the rocks but very doable, the problem was we had a lot of gear, something Ive never done before, I usualy take two rods with the reels in a back pack, we had much more than that and thats what made it hard.

Its an epic spot and Im going to do another trip there very soon..


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good thing Kurt called me yesterday and said, lets go back up soon.. Otherwise I would have ripped the extreme part of his mad mullet shirt off haha.. But seriously, Kurt and Ash it was a pleasure guys, thanks for hanging around and helping out when dad needed a lift of the rocks, and ash (sharklady) you do go alright for a girl haha!! That girl could outclimb a mountain goat, your always welcome on fishing trips!!!

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Yeah mate I spoke to the guys from the Ses and chopper service (agl) yesterday and they were really happy to help out. They didn't even ask for a donation (although I've made one) and just asked if they could show the footage on the news to raise awareness of what they do. The chopper pilot was unbelievably skillful and the police Ses and chopper crew couldn't have been nicer or more professional. The only negative comment that id make would be that now that council EPA are charging $10 a car going up the beach could they not organise to get a mobile tower put up there? For literally 30klms not even the global emergency number could find a signal. Had someone been badly hurt it would have been all over. I'm writing to them at the moment but I also know that the lOcal regulars have been doing so for years to no avail.


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Yeah mate I spoke to the guys from the Ses and chopper service (agl) yesterday and they were really happy to help out. They didn't even ask for a donation (although I've made one) and just asked if they could show the footage on the news to raise awareness of what they do. The chopper pilot was unbelievably skillful and the police Ses and chopper crew couldn't have been nicer or more professional. The only negative comment that id make would be that now that council EPA are charging $10 a car going up the beach could they not organise to get a mobile tower put up there? For literally 30klms not even the global emergency number could find a signal. Had someone been badly hurt it would have been all over. I'm writing to them at the moment but I also know that the lOcal regulars have been doing so for years to no avail.


good idea brad........ but your rite, if it had have been a worse outcome, who knows what woulds have happened

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very good idea writing to them Brad. Hey guys, not sure where or how far this place is but if its over 65ks from your place of residence, one way, you should be able to buy travel insurance just incase if anything happens. Policy is usually just over $100. Just never know..

In regards to the no phone reception, it depends on which network they are with.... Everytime my friends and i head up to fraser island, we all buy TELSTRA Prepaid sims and recharge them as they still have great reception there (we also use cb radios). As for optus and vodafone, definitely no go on the island.

So maybe when u guys head up there again, buy a $2 telstra sim card. It might just pick up reception!

Glad you guys all made it back safe.


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very good idea writing to them Brad. Hey guys, not sure where or how far this place is but if its over 65ks from your place of residence, one way, you should be able to buy travel insurance just incase if anything happens. Policy is usually just over $100. Just never know..

Glad you guys all made it back safe.


yeh about 160km.......

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In regards to the no phone reception, it depends on which network they are with.... Everytime my friends and i head up to fraser island, we all buy TELSTRA Prepaid sims and recharge them as they still have great reception there (we also use cb radios). As for optus and vodafone, definitely no go on the island.

So maybe when u guys head up there again, buy a $2 telstra sim card.


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