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good bully from ( g.c ) gold coast canals on 15lb


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i gave green machine ( rob ) a call friday and asked if he was keen to hit the g.c canals with me friday night, with a quick reply coming back heck yeh. shortly after i gave bass tracker ( brad ) and another mate richo a call to see if they wanted to come down as well.

we all met at the jetty at 7.00 and set up.brad, rob and i put 2 rods out each varying the sinker size so they sat apart from each other, while richo went off and fished for bream on s.p's and blades. at around 8.00 my little 4000 sized reel spooled with 15lb pe started zinging away, i picked it up and set the hook, well i haven heard a reel go that nuts for a long time. on its first run ( correct me if i am wrong brad ) it took easily 200+m of line and heading straight for a bridge so i made the choise to follow it on foot to gain some line. i was trying to get off the jetty but this one guy made it so hard so me, he basiclly resused to get out of my way but everyone else cleared out quick smart. i got off the jetty run 80+m to the boat ramp and tried to give it some stick, but it gave it rite back resulting me having to run across slipery and oyster covered rocks for another 100m till finally 50m before the bridge i pulled it up and now it was a dog fight. he kepted his head down deep in the 6=knot current that was flowing threw the canal which made it vary difficult to gain line. next thing i new on one on my pumps the reel broke out of the rod seat and i had a rod in my left hand and a reel in my right, well brad nearly fell over in laughter, so brad asked if i wanted help, yes i replied. as he was scrambling over the rock with only thongs on he went ass up cuting his hands and feet and said, it will be right. he helped me put the reel back onto the rod which as you can amagine was a pain when you have a shark attached to the other end but we did it. after 30 mins we finally saw a fin break the surface 10m out so i waded out as far as i could on those nasty rocks gained a little more line and hand the rod back to brad so i could trace it. i got a hold of the trace and tail and pulled it in and lander it. it was pined perfectly in the corner of the mouth, good old circle hook wich after taking some happy snaps it was released.

it was a fluke i landed it i think because i only made the trace 1m long and had a 20lb trace of that which was so rough due to the tail hitting it. most of the plastic coating was worn off the wire trace, so that goes to show you how lucky i was. the trip only resulted in the 1 shark and no other runs. richo got into the bream on blades so it kept him happy.






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Mate that wepic, I thought you ere going toeither go in the water or rip yourselfup, you were literaly running after that shark on the oysters haha, when your reel seat broke and you had a reel in one hand and rod in the other i thought i was going to wet myself.. well done another nice shark..

Going to have to hit that spot again!!!

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Mate that wepic, I thought you ere going toeither go in the water or rip yourselfup, you were literaly running after that shark on the oysters haha, when your reel seat broke and you had a reel in one hand and rod in the other i thought i was going to wet myself.. well done another nice shark..

Going to have to hit that spot again!!!

i dint know what to think when that happened

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Buddy only met you the once....

But hearing about you sprinting after that man eater, over treacherous terrain, well down on fire power, equipment failure .....Is pretty much something only "TMMM" aka "The Mighty Mad Mullet", could conquer...commitment and perseverance definitely came to the fore front in this highly electrifying encounter...

Keep it coming brutha


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Buddy only met you the once....

But hearing about you sprinting after that man eater, over treacherous terrain, well down on fire power, equipment failure .....Is pretty much something only "TMMM" aka "The Mighty Mad Mullet", could conquer...commitment and perseverance definitely came to the fore front in this highly electrifying encounter...

Keep it coming brutha


lolololol, cheers mate, the reel is currently getting held on by vip ies util i can fix it or by a new rod, bodgy i know but it works. :silly:

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