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sharking trip turned to tarpon


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ash and i went to a spot mickfillet told me about on sunday, ended up seeing him their and he put us on to the exact spot. we set up for bullies and put them out into the water. While waiting we saw quite a few boofs and also the fins of tarpon coming out of the water. so after we changed some of our rigs over to suit blades, we were fishing for them. we got probably 30-40 hits in 2 hrs with many getting hooked and either loosing them a few secs into the fight, or losing them on a jump. i managed to properly land 1 and another hit the bank and mako my dog got in the way as she always does and it got off.

So a little bit of a change for me, but when you have that many tarpon feeding around you, why would you give it a miss.

I will be back and It will be on, and I will try not to get distracted this time by tarpon





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I find using single hooks better for tarpon. Try putting a little 3" prawnster imitation in your tackle box and when they pop up chuck that at them.

Not sure why but they stay hooked up more often than not.

sweet will try changis some of the trebles to singles, cause it is a pain to get a solid hook up

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I find using single hooks better for tarpon. Try putting a little 3" prawnster imitation in your tackle box and when they pop up chuck that at them.

Not sure why but they stay hooked up more often than not.

agree on using single hooks, seems to be a way better hook up rate

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