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carp, cod and pigs


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we headed out to surat at thursday night and arrived to the property and set up camp and hit the sack for a early get up. 3.30 the alam on my phone was going off and my dad and i rose from our slumber, had breaky, got suited up and head for our first hunting spot. we had a fair idea on where we wanted to go due to our last trip out their. we head for a wheat field that ran onto the back of a creek and bushland. we wandered all around the creek, wheat field and surroundering bushland and by the gps said we walked 10.124km. the wheat, creek and bush had no paths, pads or beds anywhere to be seen, and also the wheat hadnt been crushed and rooted up so we crossed that area of our list and headed back to camp.

back at camp we decided to hit another end of the property in the same way. we left camp at 3.00 and hit the wheat again but this area had been headed ( harvested ) and their were no sign of pigs hear either. we went back to camp wondering if it was worth while driving 5.5hrs to arrive to the property and 90% of it had been harvested. we sata and talk for a while about what we were going to do the next day.

saturday morning was upon us and we decides to go for a wander on the eastern side of the property and go into the neighbours property. we walke duntill 11.00 are called it quits as it was getting very hot and and we had nearly run out of waer. on arrival back to the car i cheched the tepm and it read 37.5 degrees, dammm, no wonder i was hot hot.

we decided when we got back to camp, we would go down to the river to have a fish and sit in the shade and relax.......hmmmmmm relax it was not. we caught that many god damm carp it wasnt funny and afew small murry cod throw in. we fished for around 3hrs and after using shrimp and yabbie and caught that many carp we were over it and decided to go for another walk to find some pigs.

once agin we walked and walked and walked to only see one little piglet that was around 30cm to the back and we didnt have anything small enough to shoot it with as we wanted to eat her.once again we called it quits and head back to camp for a feed and a good old sleep.

sunday norm arrived and we were up and gone by 3.30 and decided to imploy tru hunting skills, finding some tracks from a pig and then trcking it. we finally came across a fresh wollo



, so we trascked the pig the best we could and finally came across another wollo


and we walked about another 1km and found another wollo


and this one hadent evan started to air dry yet, so were only mins behind him/her. i was walking ontop of a very steep creek band and dad was on the other below me and i was over looking all the milk thissle and lignum that the pigs like to eat, when all of a sudden 4 roos lept out from acouple of feet infront of me and took of, 3 went to the right and one went down the creek bed and up the other side of the back where it suddenly stoped, did the funny hop and what do i see 50m infront of me i a loan boar defending his turf to the roo. the roo made a haisty bolt for it and the boar laid back down oblivios to what was about to happern. boom barks the .270 and the pig fell on its hide. dad go over the c.b, and said is their any more, nope, just the one. i walked down the creek bank and met dad in the general area and took him to where i shot the pig. it was a very very clean head shot and he would of felt or heard anything, it was just light s out.

we took some pigs and butchered him and went back to camp, packed and went home.













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Phhheeeww thats hot i would have swum in the creek bugger the fishing sounds like a good shot on the pig

lol, i did contomplate going for a swim but the mud was a little to boggy for my liking.

:lol::lol: i didnt really want to get covered in mud and be mistaken for a pig :silly: :silly: :silly: :silly: :silly:

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I headed out west last month. Alot of pigs property owner said he saw over 30 pigs in back paddick, but couldn't reach because we got bogged trying :(. but we got a real nice sow, and a couple of nice boar. plenty of foxes and cats getting about aswell.


nice, what area do u usually hit

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Gidday Kurt,

That stand off would have been an awesome pic...

What are carp like to eat???.. The skip I was with over at Wave Break... Bri the pom, was telling us of a post he put in before he moved over from England, I'm not too sure when it was posted... But it was meant to have given laughs to a lot of people, I think someone also replied to it and said if its carp your after, don't leave...

Damn must have been a killer in that camo gear, although it does look very aerated... Well done again buddy..

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Gidday Kurt,

That stand off would have been an awesome pic...

What are carp like to eat???.. The skip I was with over at Wave Break... Bri the pom, was telling us of a post he put in before he moved over from England, I'm not too sure when it was posted... But it was meant to have given laughs to a lot of people, I think someone also replied to it and said if its carp your after, don't leave...

Damn must have been a killer in that camo gear, although it does look very aerated... Well done again buddy..

what are carp like to eat...hmmm, well soak a bit of fish in some dirty water and then cook it. come people love eating it, all i use them for is worm food back home or chuck them in a pig trap.

it was very hot, i carrie 3lts of water in a camel pack and if you dont pace your self you will drink that very quickly. the heat out their is a very very dry heat and while i was out their i lost probably 1 pants size, but hrs afer i got home i was back to normal, so i think it was water weight i lost.

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:lol::lol: carp aye, sounds absolutely... delicious :sick: :sick:

I can see why you'd definitely have to ration the H20 alright... Stuck, out in the middle of no where with a pig on your back, no water, in that heat.... It could get very serious very quickly...

Sounds as though you and Dad, have got a pretty tight 'BROMANCE', going on there, you two must have come across a lot of pretty epic encounters on your adventures...


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:lol::lol: carp aye, sounds absolutely... delicious :sick: :sick:

I can see why you'd definitely have to ration the H20 alright... Stuck, out in the middle of no where with a pig on your back, no water, in that heat.... It could get very serious very quickly...

Sounds as though you and Dad, have got a pretty tight 'BROMANCE', going on there, you two must have come across a lot of pretty epic encounters on your adventures...


mate epic isnt the word for it.....

between dehydration, getting lost, a pig goring you or evan steping on one one the 100's of either eastern brown snakes,king brown ( rare ) black snakes ( rare ), death adders, tiger snakes or taipan ( rare ) yeh you have to be on your toes at all times. you can say it some what of a bromans :lol::lol::lol::lol: but we are very tight and realy enjoys each other company and hobbies

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Mate we out on a property just out from Meandarra, about a 5000acre property. Did you see many goats, we could smell the buggers but couldn't see them.

I headed out west last month. Alot of pigs property owner said he saw over 30 pigs in back paddick, but couldn't reach because we got bogged trying :(. but we got a real nice sow, and a couple of nice boar. plenty of foxes and cats getting about aswell.


nice, what area do u usually hit

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Mate we out on a property just out from Meandarra, about a 5000acre property. Did you see many goats, we could smell the buggers but couldn't see them.

I headed out west last month. Alot of pigs property owner said he saw over 30 pigs in back paddick, but couldn't reach because we got bogged trying :(. but we got a real nice sow, and a couple of nice boar. plenty of foxes and cats getting about aswell.


nice, what area do u usually hit

unforunatly their are no goats on this property.

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