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borumba report ( from bad to good )


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Well with the bad comes the good and in this case it did, thank god. I picked the boat up from brads place on thurday arvo so we could leave straight after work Friday evening.

We arrived to borumba dam around 9.30 and it was to late to drive into any camp sites I thort, so we slept down at the boat ramp in the back of the truck and I thort it wound have been a good idea anyway as we would have been one of the first on the water.

We woke up at 4.30 to the birds going nut, so we thort we might as well have breakfast and get on the water. Well that as far as that thort went. As I was packing the boat I notice that the right hand tyre on the trailer was ¾ flat and the ply had started separating. ( beep beep beep buggga ) just my luck. So I got the jack out of the truck and jucked the boat up, and went to get the wheel brace, boom, wronge size ( beep beep beep bugga ) so we waited 20mins before the fishes started to arrive. We borrowed a wheel brace of a sarcastic elderly guy who said geez, traveling with out proper tool, not smart….. any way I got the rim off the hub and waited till the service centre opened at 8.30 to see if they had anything in at imble.

8.00 was upon us, so we jumped into the truck and headed for imble. We got their just beford 8.30 and got met by a very happy old fella who once he new what we were chasin, proceeded to tell us no, sorry, advanced tyres at gympie will be your best bet. So back in the car we got and headed for gympie. We arrived at advanced tyres around 30mins later and went in side, explained my pradickoment and he also said no, I haven’t got anything. So we moved on to beaurerepairs and ask the same thing, have you got a 175 80r 13 tyre… yes, bingo, how much, he goes, um, $100 inc fitting and its yours, and he said it like I was getting a bargin. Wtf I thort. I said to him, you get them from top tyres don’t you, he said yes. I said mate I dead with tim and kylie from top tyre all the time and I know how much you pay for them, I WANT A DISCOUNT, he picks up his calculator, pushes some buttons and says $75. Ok done. He put the tyre on the rim and of we went.

We got back down to the ramp at around 11.00 and had to track down the old guy who we borrowed the wheel brace of. We found him in the old hatchery building and he was with a group from lake borumba fish stocking assoc.inc. we got talking and found out that to become a member of the fishing club, it was $40 a yr first up, and $30 every year after and if you wanted to stay at the site with full privileges to hot shower, fridges, bbq ect it was a $2 a night cost an all moneys goes towards fish restocking. We actually hung out with the members for the rest of the weekend and attended their meeting which was on Sunday and found out a lot of interesting things.

Anyway we launched the boat and droped the pots in and then came back to the ramp. We went back to the old hatchery and kept on talking until 3.30 when we all decided it was time to load the boats up and head of for the arvos fish. We went and checked our pots and everyone of our pots were empty. Not a shrimp or redclaw in any of them. We reset the pots and headed of to throw lures at togas and bass.

Well we threw every color and weight of spinnerbaits, jackles tn50, 70, d cherries and chubies, sx40’s stiffies and in the evening bubble pops, pop queens and Berkley, tiemco and scum dogs and all we got were half assed hits or toga following it to the boat a shing off. What I put the toga down to is brreding, they must still have their babies in their mouths. We headed back to the ramp under big spotlights around 7.00 and on our way checked our pots and the pots were full of shrimp. So we took around 50 for the mornings fish and went back to have another chat with the fellas.

Sunday morn and we were up around the same time, had breaky and headed of up yabba creek intead of king arm to try our luck. We trolled and threw lures till 7.30 and gave up and decided to go to the dark side and use bait. Well we changed to just a size 1/0 circle owner hook on the 6lb leader and first drop down the braid coils on to of the water started dissappering. Finally we got onto the fish, evan tho it was on bait. We stayed at this snag and 1 other for 40mins and then headed off. End tally was me 6 bass 1 silver and ash cough cough 12++++. She wooped the pants of me and she also got the biggest bass as well.

Now to get back to the restocking program ( fishing club ).

Guys they need younger members, we have joined and we are the youngest by many yrs. All funds from borumba dam fishing lic and money from being a member goes towards stocking that dam. Please do all of us a favour a try and join their club. They have meeting every 3rd Sunday of each month and also hold their own fishing comps. This goes to a great cause so for all you keen freshy water boys and girls out their or people that want to learn please join, they are an awesome coup of 40 members and just remember it cost $2 to stay their with great company. Next door you pay $10-20$ a night depending on where you stay and the money does help anyony but the property owners.

Anyway hear are some photos of the fish, club house dam and our bed for the weekend

Cheers kurt

p.s thanks brad so much for the use of your boat. I put new l.e.d lights on and also a jockey wheel on for u also to say thanks.














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Thanks for the report Kurt ,Bugger about the tyre ,, but all good with catching fish and having a good time .

Is the club located at the Camp grounds near the boat ramp ? how do you go about joining the Club ?, do you have to go on the 3rd Sunday ? i have only been up there once for a quick sticky beak when passing and I have catching a Toga on surface lure on my Bucket list so am thinking of going there sometime soon.

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Well done on the fishing trip, great stuff.

Mate, with the Togas, yes you were right they are breeding. They have well and truely done the Dirty Deed! and the males should have the little ones in their mouths now. We caught a few just before they started to pair up and there jaws had started to develop with what looked like bucked teeth. I guess like salmon where their jaws develop, the same hapens with the males as they look after the young ones. Anyway, I would give it another 4 plus weeks before they really start to come back on. You can still catch the smaller females and you still can catch the males with a reaction strike type of effect but we really need to leave them alone for a while.

I can't wait to get back on there again...

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lake borumba fish stocking assoc.inc.

presedent p.chambers 07 5474 0409

secretary h.houston 07 5499 6262

mailing address pobox 30 imble qld 4570

$40 for the first year

$30 every year after

$2 a night ot staf at the old hatchery grounds

guys this goes to a good cause and they are after some fair dincome active members to take over in the future for the restocking as well.

their is a meeting and fishing comp every 3rd weekend in each month


ta kurt

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