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borumba dam!!!sper of the moment ( whos keen )


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last year, ash and i hit borumba dam up and had an absoloooooot ball and made new freinds through the borumba dam fish stocking and fishing club. this weekend is their monthly comp and get together.

ash received a ph call last night to see whether we were attending or not and seeing we were out of the wave break social, she made the decision to head up their for the weekend. so we will be heading up friday night and coming back sunday arvo.

just wondering if anyone else is heading up their or is keen to take their tinny or yak up their for a day or the weekend.

the dam is shock-a-block full of bass and you can target the mighty toga and get a feed of red claw.

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Dam is very close to spilling but looks like no swki lice this weekend.

As a precautionary measure and in the interest of public safety, Lake Broumba has been temporarily closed to primary contact recreation (swimming and waterskiing) as of Friday, 13 January 2012 due to the presence of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria).

Signage will be erected on site advising of the temporary closure of the lake to primary contact recreation.

Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are naturally occurring organisms and are amongst the earliest known life forms on this planet. Blue-green algae make beneficial contributions to the environment through such avenues as food, fertilisers, waste processors and solar energy conversion. Despite their beneficial functions in the environment, cyanobacteria can also be a source of considerable nuisance. Blooms of cyanobacteria in lakes can pose significant risks to human health and lifestyle through the production of toxins and odorous compounds.

Seqwater will be performing water quality testing at Lake Borumba, and the lake will be reopened to primary contact recreation as soon as possible.



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