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Tipplers hub gets green light


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Updated 8:08am, Tuesday 31 January 2012

A revitalised Tipplers took a major step forward after Council last night voted to proceed with the development of the Tipplers Hub Concept Plan.

Mayor Ron Clarke said the decision was a positive outcome for the community.

“I think the community will be relieved we can now finally get on with redeveloping the site and giving it back to them,†said Cr Clarke.

“This decision enables us to proceed with the development of the Tradewinds Restaurant and get on with finalising all land tenure, native title and others matters to progress the concept plan.

“The old tavern building will remain until such time as incoming tenders are evaluated and the value of retaining and redeveloping the existing building be determined against these tenders. Should tenders not identify any such value, then subject to a further Council resolution, demolition of the old building could take place.â€

Divisional Councillor Grant Pforr said the decision would finally enable Council to move forward with the necessary work so the site could be maximised for use by residents and visitors.

“We gave the Marine Action Group every opportunity to get their proposal in order and with the necessary due process now complete, it’s now time to get on with achieving the best outcome for Tipplers,†said Cr Pforr.

“We will fast-track evaluation of the tenders so the future of the old tavern building can be determined as soon as possible.

“I congratulate the Council for not putting this issue into the ‘too-hard’ basket and leaving it for the next Council. At the end of the day, continual delays simply rob the community of being able to enjoy what will be a new era for South Stradbroke Island.â€

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