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Questions re;Lake Cootharaba for Summer Classic


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Ok as the title reads. I`m sure others who haven`t been up there may have some questions too.

It`s been over 20 years since I`ve fished the lakes area of the Noosa river, my recollection of the area is now a bit hazy.At that time I would launch at Elandra Pt. The water was very shallow in that area and meant that any one launching a boat from there had to walk it a fair way out before they got underway.

To those who will know..

1st Question is launching a boat at Boreen Pt, the same deal with very shallow water, or is there a reasonable depth of water where you launch,also, from Boreen Pt are you able to access the lakes channel at most stages of the tide or are there periods that leave you high and dry.

2nd Question. Are you able to leave a boat moored/anchored overnight,(safely?? with it still being there next morning) at the shore line behind the camp grounds, to save launching and retrieving them on a daily basis.

TIA cheers

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1 Boreen Pt also very shallow but not as bad as Elanda Point.

2 I wouldn't leave a boat anchored near the shore as due to the shallowness, if any sort of wind comes up, the chop is pretty severe. From memory, most days the wind picks up by lunchtime quite often from the ocean which means the eastern shore cops a lot of waves.

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Boreen point ramp is about 600mm deep at the ramp, (it hasnt been dredged in a while) until you get 30 mtrs out then it slowly drops to 1 meter about 120mtrs off shore. The camp grounds at Boreen point are pretty safe to anchor overnight. It is protected from most winds. Elander point is exposed.I would leave my boat in the water with out a worry.

Coloothin creek is another option to launch however there is limited parking spaces (2). The mouth of Cooloothin creek is also shallow, there is a channel that goes to the mouth of Cootharaba, If you try and go straight out to the markers you will probably come a ground.

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