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Happy Easter


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To those who celebrate the fulfilment of a prophecy, I wish you a safe and joyful weekend of celebrations .

Why is it, for those who follow different paths eg big bang and/or evolution, there is no marked days for celebration.

Do these paths tick boxes to be a religion?? Discrimination ??

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happy easter to you to, i think that it might be because the big bang theory and evoloution is a science based philosophy not a religious based one, and although science is proving more about our existance than religion ever did, with the fact that tecnology is science based i think 99% of companies would try claim the no tax thing religions get if science was to become a religion. that and i dont think they can pinpoint an exact day that the big bang happened lol

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not really, the big bang and evloution are still just theories at the moment, created by man (much like religion agreed), however science proves or disproves its theroies and does not follow the concept of an almighty being that created everything, science also generally doesnt start wars, i admit there have bin a few exceptions where weapons of mass destruction have been used as an excuse for war, but there are usually underlying reasons for these wars that arnt publicized. but i think you get the idea.

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happy easter to you to, i think that it might be because the big bang theory and evoloution is a science based philosophy not a religious based one, and although science is proving more about our existance than religion ever did, with the fact that tecnology is science based i think 99% of companies would try claim the no tax thing religions get if science was to become a religion. that and i dont think they can pinpoint an exact day that the big bang happened lol

Never heard of Scientology :lol:

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happy easter to you to, i think that it might be because the big bang theory and evoloution is a science based philosophy not a religious based one, and although science is proving more about our existance than religion ever did, with the fact that tecnology is science based i think 99% of companies would try claim the no tax thing religions get if science was to become a religion. that and i dont think they can pinpoint an exact day that the big bang happened lol

Never heard of Scientology :lol:

yeah ive heard of it but choose to ignore it like other religions lmao

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not really, the big bang and evloution are still just theories at the moment, created by man (much like religion agreed), however science proves or disproves its theroies and does not follow the concept of an almighty being that created everything, science also generally doesnt start wars, i admit there have bin a few exceptions where weapons of mass destruction have been used as an excuse for war, but there are usually underlying reasons for these wars that arnt publicized. but i think you get the idea.

I'm probably just arguing semantics at this point, but science NEVER proves a theory. The purpose of science is to DISPROVE a theory; as long as the theory is not disproven, it is considered a possibility.

That really is the difference between science and religion. Science expects you to consider every possibility and question every premise while actively seek to disprove it whereas religion asks that you accept that premise as the absolute truth and to not consider alternative explanations.

On an unrelated note, Happy Easter (or as some people I know call it "Zombie Jesus" day).

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To those who celebrate the fulfilment of a prophecy, I wish you a safe and joyful weekend of celebrations .

Why is it, for those who follow different paths eg big bang and/or evolution, there is no marked days for celebration.

Do these paths tick boxes to be a religion?? Discrimination ??

i'm still trying to figure out your angles on these posts Gad. I chose to avoid the earthour one as there seems to be a fine line on this forum before one gets in trouble.

if the religious side of our history were to be let go, then we could focus on dates that have been notable to our own causes/beliefs/history. instead, the ones who choose to not follow an ancient book (in its many versions, be it loosely or those crazy fundamentalists) are indeed forced to enjoy 4 days off to eat chocolate eggs, and hot cross buns. i had debates with an incredibly intelligent older german chap, who spent a couple of hours trying to convince me that the mountains of the world were created during the floods that Noah got his fame from. i won't go into how laughable that is to me especially when there's so many signs that it takes more than water to cause it, it still amazes me that people hold true to their fears of the almighty God when clearly the almighty is the power of nature.

Let everyone be Athiest Agnostics! (for the people new to that term; "are atheistic because they do not hold a belief in the existence of any deity and agnostic because they claim that the existence of a deity is either unknowable in principle or currently unknown in fact)

and if my life beliefs turn out to be wrong, well then i'll repent on my deathbed! as i've heard we can do that!

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We wish everyone a relaxing time over the Easter break!

We don't think that the question of the existence or non-existence of religion is appropriate on AFO and will only offend people and so request members refrain from posting about this topic.

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