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Drivers in 20s are Worst Behaved


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Maybe the gray haired drivers are not as bad as some try to make out


Bad driving: Drivers in their 20s are Queensland's worst, according to new statistics.

TEENAGERS are often painted as the worst drivers but statistics show open licence holders in their 20s are most likely to speed, drink-drive and use mobile phones at the wheel.

In the past year, one in three drivers aged 21 to 29 was booked for speeding, compared with just over a quarter of 30 to 39-year-olds, according to Transport and Main Roads.

Of the teen drivers, fewer than one in five were caught exceeding the limit last year, below the state average for all licence holders of 21 per cent.

The 20-somethings also had the worst drink-driving rate, racking up more than 9000 offences in 2011, almost 2500 more than 30s drivers, and three times as many as those aged 17 to 20.

Drivers aged 17 to 24 still represent the most at-risk group on our roads, with 57 fatalities in the past year and 92 young drivers involved in fatal crashes.

Professor Barry Watson from the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety Qld said the poor performance of 20-something drivers was not that surprising.

"There are two things that spring to mind. People tend to drive as they live, and we know that that group is leading quite busy lives, and they have grown up using mobile phones," Prof Watson said.

"Another factor is when young drivers are on their provisional licences they have quite a few constraints on their behaviour, but these are relaxed when they move to opens."

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Eratic drivers usually have a P plate on the back in my experience. Mums that face the rear seat screaming at kids while driving are scary. I would love to punch everyone that drives past on a mobile phone :angry: looking down toward their feet.

Most amusing are the ones that plant the foot away from the lights and brake heavily when they get caught at the next set :woohoo:

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