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More bad news for rec. fisho's

If you own a boat and/or fish in the freshwater, this news concerns you.

QAFCA President John Crone attended a meeting with Fisheries Managing Director, Maria Mohr, yesterday and apparently, it’s now the recreational fishers of our State whose turn it is to be in the firing line of Premier Campbell Newman.

Sunfish, Suntag and Fishcare will receive NO funding. The PPV (Private Pleasure Vessel) levy, which was paid along with your boat registration, amounted to approx $4.5 million a year, and was used to provide boat ramps, fish cleaning tables, etc. etc. has had a name change. It is now being called the RUF ( Recreational Use Fee) and will go into the government’s internal revenue.

News for the Freshwater Clubs – If you were part of the SIPs program (Stocked Impoundment Permit), you will still receive funding as previously, but those clubs who did NOT join the program and received their funding via the PPV levy will now no longer receive funding.

It’s time to phone, email, or write to your local State politician and tell them what you think. Remember, it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. This tactic worked with the federal Government and the ‘MV Margiris’, the super trawler. Perhaps it will work for us with the State Government.

On a brighter note – With the help of my grandchildren, I have managed to get a Facebook Page up and running for QAFCA. All you need do is click on the link below. To date, I have a few photos (I need heaps more) and links to all the results from the 2012 State Titles and the Program of Events for the Australian Anglers Association’s National Angling Championships & Convention.


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Oh well, at least us older farts will have enough unicorns in the dams for us to catch, wont be anything for future generations, but they probably wont be allowed to fish anyway, Greenies will have taken over the world by then.

Word is the greenies want to ban sheep farming to, will have to source synthetic wool for my knitting escapades.......

Dont bother wasting your effort writing to the pollies, they just dont give a toss. Absolutely zero care factor on what any of their cut backs are doing. Obviously they think the electorate will have forgotten by the time the next election comes around, and sadly they are probably right.

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Oh well, at least us older farts will have enough unicorns in the dams for us to catch, wont be anything for future generations, but they probably wont be allowed to fish anyway, Greenies will have taken over the world by then.

Word is the greenies want to ban sheep farming to, will have to source synthetic wool for my knitting escapades.......

Dont bother wasting your effort writing to the pollies, they just dont give a toss. Absolutely zero care factor on what any of their cut backs are doing. Obviously they think the electorate will have forgotten by the time the next election comes around, and sadly they are probably right.

Has anyone said it is forever ?

The Greenies have already taken over our world. It is a difficult situation to be in to try to spread the word t those easily deceived or brought up in a world and education system full of biased opinion. I can hear the clack clack as you finish another jumper lol

The government has done the right thing politically. It will be forgotten mainstream. Just look at how much a lot have forgotten about Bligh's atrocities and crimes against rec fishos in only 6 months. :ohmy:

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Are you serious, Tom, have you been having your wage protection insurance paid by the government ??? :huh:

No wonder they're short of coin. That's disgraceful. How long has that been going on ?

The wife and I have always had to fork it out of our own money.

At least it is tax deductible so will only cost you 70% in the end.

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"In caecus terrae, luscus rex est." :whistle: :P:lol::lol:

In the land of the blind, the one-eye-man is king

to save others looking it up.



I knew were old, but didn't think you were THAT old!

Latin was a high school subject in Qld until the early 60s`, before someone figured out we were mainly of Anglo-Saxon origin.... in saying that google, like Don,is good :lol:

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There's an old sea story about a ship's Captain who inspected his sailors, and afterward told the first mate that his men smelled bad.. The Captain suggested perhaps it would help if the sailors would change underwear occasionally. The first mate responded, "Aye, aye sir, I'll see to it immediately!" The first mate went straight to the sailors berth deck and announced, "The Captain thinks you guys smell bad and wants you to change your underwear."

He continued, "Pittman, you change with Jones, McCarthy, you change with Witkowski, and Brown, you change with Schultz."ETC.

THE MORAL OF THE STORY: Someone may come along and promise "Change" but don't count on things smelling any better



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  • 4 months later...

I received a letter from the Premier when I raised my concerns about the RUF being reallocated. The money shot is in this paragraph:

Following concerns expressed by the rcreational fishing sector, DAFF will be providing project funding to Sunfish in the amount of $33 800 to conduct Kids Fishing Clinics and a further $24 500 to the Australian National Sportfishing Association Qld for the Suntag Program in 2012-13

Not a lot out of the $5ish million collected will be going where it was intended. Also goes on to state that Fisheries enforcement, monitoring, etc costs more than $10 million a year so the 5 collected is actually part of that budget.

More double talk and figure fudging.

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I received a letter from the Premier when I raised my concerns about the RUF being reallocated. The money shot is in this paragraph:

Following concerns expressed by the rcreational fishing sector, DAFF will be providing project funding to Sunfish in the amount of $33 800 to conduct Kids Fishing Clinics and a further $24 500 to the Australian National Sportfishing Association Qld for the Suntag Program in 2012-13

Not a lot out of the $5ish million collected will be going where it was intended. Also goes on to state that Fisheries enforcement, monitoring, etc costs more than $10 million a year so the 5 collected is actually part of that budget.

More double talk and figure fudging.

And if you really want some double talk write him back and ask how does that equate with last years allocation.



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