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FAAR OUT MaahatMaacoat I`m No Racist


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Just got interrupted, from my morning AFO fix, by a call on the landline from a Pakistani/Indian based call centre. The caller asked me if I had solar panels. I had to ask him 3 times (he was not too good with the English language) to repeat the question.

I explained to him I was so poor that I did not have a telephone so honestly, how could I afford solar panels. He proceded to tell me that I should have a telephone in case of emergency house burning.

I politely explained to him I was poor, not stupid, so I would not need to ring anyone because I could watch the fire from out on the road.

The penny dropped: He asked me (again I had to ask him 3 times to repeat the question) whose phone I was using, I told him it was the lady at the shops` telephone.

He told me it`s not true, I told him it was too!

I explained to him that I was on the ‘do not call register’ and if he sent another boat over here I would dob him in and sue him for his phone, then I would have a phone.

He called me a racist.. I told him, I`m NO racist… and being a poor loser he stopped playing the game and hung up on me…….

Don`t you love telemarketers with no sense of humour. How do you handle them?

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