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Wanna Have an Occulation Experience :)


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Full story: http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2014/02/19/3947224.htm

Wednesday Nite Occulation of Saturn, Moon can be seen from Brisbane between 9.05 PM and 9.35 PM and again on 4 August between 9.19 PM and 10.27 PM

It can be seen with the unaided eye, with the bright planet slipping behind the Moon and reappearing some time later. But will be even more spectacular through binoculars (at least 10x50s) or a telescope, says amateur astronomer and astroblogger Dr Ian Musgrave.

"While unaided eye observers will see the planet wink out, telescopic observers will see first the leading rings, then the planet's body, then the trailing rings slide behind the Moon," he says. ‘You may even get to see some of Saturn's brightest moons’.

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