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Should Cod Kill Start C&R Only Debate


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Cod kill controversy stirs C&R debate

17 Jul 2014

By Fisho staff writers

While fishing for food is a wholly legitimate activity, can killing so many large native fish be justified in this day and age? Even if a group of “anglers†fishing within their bag limits were responsible for killing these cod, did they need to take so many?

Full story: http://www.fishingworld.com.au/news/cod-kill-controversy-stirs-candr-debate?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsletter+17th+July+2014&utm_content=Newsletter+17th+July+2014+CID_29f3d3fcaaa6677ebc84a8d6c42e4e8b&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=worthy%20of%20more%20respect

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The article wreaks of assumption and emotive nonsense imo.

From where were these fish taken ? If taken from a put and take impoundment, what is the problem ? There is less than 20 fish in that photo and no mention of the size of the group that caught them over the week.

People just jump to conclusions.

If they were caught from a single stretch of river (unlikely), then there is justification to a call to have the anglers similarly strung up, but a call to make the best eating fish in the land a blanket c&r species only is ludicrous.

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