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SSAA Free Speech vs Flawed Speech


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Taken from SSAA email newsletter


Free speech versus flawed speech - Philip Alpers

Occasionally, in the media, you may hear from those who criticise your SSAA and private firearms ownership.

We would like to bring to your attention one of the opponents of private firearms ownership, Philip Alpers and the story behind his biased anti-gun reporting

We understand that not everyone wishes to participate in our chosen recreations. However, when factual and scientific evidence regarding shooting and its demonstrable economic, cultural and social benefits are dismissed outright or countered with blatantly incorrect information, it is obvious that anti-gun agendas are at play.

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sadly, the knee jerk reactions are fueled by the over vocal 'I don`t shoot/etc, therefore no one else should be allowed to do it' mob, while the uninformed non shooting general public can not fathom the amount of 'illegal guns in the country. So they think any gun crack down must impact on gun crimes

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