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Heading Sensor / GPS puck worth it?


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I'm on the lowrance eco system but have thus far relied on the lowrance head unit for gps and heading sensing.

The add-on available is a Lowrance Point-1 heading sensor which normally retails around $300 which I put in the “nice to have” category. 

However I've come across the Suzuki branded puck ( with same lowrance/simrad internals) for $99 https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/266076489257?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=MN2Mz4DHR6e&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

I'm tempted tonow to add this puck to reduce the minor annoyance for when the head unit is unable to determine heading when stationary/not moving.

Who has a heading sensor installed on their boat? Worth it?

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Mine is hooked to both my Bird and my bowmount....

It does make a difference with the bowount once you go through the cycle of learning it correctly.

The Bird though I can't notice an advantage using the charts....I do have it set for the most accurate sensitivity so it picks up changes of direction within about 1.5m....


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