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Brisbane River Session #308

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17 hours ago, Rebel said:

Nice Fish. Well done.

No beach or rock fishing down here at the moment. Rough seas & 3metre swells.


Cheers Rebel. 

16 hours ago, ellicat said:

Good work on the flatty. It only takes one quality fish like that for me to call it a good session.

Thanks Brian. 

15 hours ago, Old Scaley said:

Excellent work Hamish. I admire your dedication- I was firmly ensconced in front of the fire last night and have no intention of venturing out into these arctic evenings. 

Thanks Steve - and that's fair enough, it's been freezing recently. 

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5 hours ago, Huxstang said:

Ahhh the enthusiasm of youth.  I am like Old Scaley….too cold to be venturing out.

Well done on that flatty.  This week is looking like a zero fishing week with the wind howling until at least Friday.

Thanks Huxstang, hopefully the wind dies off soon. 

4 hours ago, mangajack said:

Are you fishing the city reaches again Hamish?

I'm thinking about a very early morning session up that way on the next neaps.


Good luck 👍

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