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Windy Week at Fraser

Neil Stratford

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Just spent the last week camping  up on Fraser Island  on the Eastern Beach with 3 mates.

We should have put the trip off till the weather settled down ,but we had a few bottles Rum and some nice red wines  calling ,and they deadened our wind burn pain effectively .Most  days were 20knots plus with some pretty big seas and a bit of rain during some nights. Anyway we tucked ourselves in behind some dunes and put some walls up on my 6x3 Gazebo and had  a somewhat sheltered camp.Most days it was just fishable early morning and late afternoon. Any way ,we are back safe and sound , survived the dingo menace and caught plenty of quality tailor with nearly all just over 500mm with a few slightly bigger ones in the mix.Caught a few Dart but they were pretty average. I also managed a beautiful little mulloway which hit me in the shore dump. I captured a couple of photos of him before successfully releasing him. 
Here’s a few photos , I’ll put some up on the North vs South  Comp at a later date when I get a chance to sort through them .











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