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trailer brakes

big al

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having trouble with my trailer brakes staying on: when you stop then take off the brakes stay on for a few seconds :angry: but when off the car jack up wheels pull brake lever on wheels lock :release lever brakes release i have cleaned them and all looks good but when going on the road brakes lock on:angry: any idea what the problem could be thanks :cheer:

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maybe they are adjusted to tight!

if they lock up then they will take a sec or to for the weight to transfer off the brake leaver and stop it from braking!

or they could be adjusted past a pivot point hence making them lock on ova the pivot point!

or it could just be stickey callipers and when you try work them by hand you may not be getting them to the same position that it sticks at when on the car?

just a few ideas for ya mate!

cheers Ian

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thanks ian have just about tried all i can i have them adj soas they only just touch but still same problem ihave even phoned the trailer place but no luck it does seem the brakes like your saying are going over there pivot point and sticking on :angry: thanks al

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If they are going past the pivot point, they need either adjusting or replacing ( we used to add a bit extra weld onto the shoes in the really old days, bit frowned upon now!)

Also if they are cable operated, the cable might just be a little bit to tight, or the return springs may be to loose.

Otherwise spray everything in sight with Inox or WD40 or similar (except the actual breaking surfaces!!!!)

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thanks feral I going to check the mates out he has the same trailer :) i must say the trailer is only a bit over 2 years old and has been doing this for a while now it is cable operated and i have the cable loose at the moment so not to tight: thanks looks like one of those thing thats a pain in the arse:ohmy: :blink: disc brakes

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I got back on to my trailer brakes and have worked out the problem is :angry: the return spring on it:unsure: the way its set up on the brakes does not pull the lever back enough to fully release the pads :angry: seems to be a silly set up and thats from new; so i will put a second return spring on and problem solved:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: I hope

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