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Fishing Really Deep?


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crazy... the amount of pressure those things are withstanding is massive. approx every 10m you go down, pressure increases one atmosphere. so at 7.7km deep, that is 77 atmospheres of pressure give or take a bit. that is just insane... crazy how evolution works!

14.696 psi at sea level x 77 = 1131.592 psi. that's rather a lot.

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It's really ridiculous how naive we are in terms of understanding our own planet and yet we're poisoning it with all sorts of wastes.

I bet under the deepest part of the sea we would find the most benefitial things ever- permanent cure for cancer, baldness, AIDS, etc., the cleanest energy source, unknown substances to make lives a million times easier, the most unique living creatures to teach us a thing or two, and the list goes on and on.


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ok EMP, i will sit in the boat and watch you dive down and explore... that ok? :laugh:

there are some amazing things down there, including bacteria which can symbioze carbon dioxide and methane into energy with a total absense of light. imagine if we could replicate something like that up here, bye bye global warming... hello clean energy source...

as for cancer cures and alike, many sea creatures are being experimented with to see if what they produce can be beneficial to humans, mostly tropical water species owing to accessibility. however, in the case of deep sea, it is estimated that about 0.02% of the creatures in the deep sea have been described to science. that leaves a hell of a lot of possibilities out there. i wonder if one of them has the ability to produce money on demand... :woohoo:

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EMP wrote:

I bet under the deepest part of the sea we would find the most benefitial things ever- permanent cure for cancer, baldness, AIDS, etc., the cleanest energy source, unknown substances to make lives a million times easier, the most unique living creatures to teach us a thing or two, and the list goes on and on.


Trouble is when we discover them we will exploit and poison them and everything around them in the name of progress

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benno573 wrote:

crazy... the amount of pressure those things are withstanding is massive. approx every 10m you go down, pressure increases one atmosphere. so at 7.7km deep, that is 77 atmospheres of pressure give or take a bit. that is just insane... crazy how evolution works!

14.696 psi at sea level x 77 = 1131.592 psi. that's rather a lot.

Extremely crazy pressure that low benno, thats about 85-90MPa which is astronomical (in context, regular concrete slabs have about a 20-32MPa before it cracks). Those fish must have some extremely complex muscle structure.

Can't wait until the get to the deepest part of the ocean, imagine what they'll find here Mariana Trench

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benno573 wrote:

crazy... the amount of pressure those things are withstanding is massive. approx every 10m you go down, pressure increases one atmosphere. so at 7.7km deep, that is 77 atmospheres of pressure give or take a bit. that is just insane... crazy how evolution works!

14.696 psi at sea level x 77 = 1131.592 psi. that's rather a lot.

a bit??

Last time I checked the SI there were 1000 metres in a kilometre.

7.7km = 7700 metres

7700/10 = 770 atmospheres.

Shouldn't this then be 14.696 * 770 ??

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EMP wrote:

It's really ridiculous how naive we are in terms of understanding our own planet and yet we're poisoning it with all sorts of wastes.

I bet under the deepest part of the sea we would find the most benefitial things ever- permanent cure for cancer, baldness, AIDS, etc., the cleanest energy source, unknown substances to make lives a million times easier, the most unique living creatures to teach us a thing or two, and the list goes on and on.


Ha EMP! I found it amusing that you include baldness in the leagues of cancer and aids. :P

Joel ;)

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Cowfish13 wrote:

Ahh guys, it'll actually be 10 times that amount :P

7.7km = 7700m, so if what benno said is true about the 10m thing, that's 770atm, not 77:ohmy:

Crazy stuff hey!

EDIT: Beat me to it Terry:P

all right you smarty pants buggers with too much time on your hands... me no good at mafs and stuff. :silly: and if you want to get really technical, it is 10.3m per atmosphere in fresh water, 9.93 in salt water as salt water is far more dense. so when i get it right....

7700m/9.93 = 775.427996

775.427996 x 14.696 psi/atmospehere = 11395.68983 psi

everyone happy now? :P surely i get part marks for working and knowing the psi at 1 atm?

and just to clarify, 1100psi is a lot, but 11395.68983 that is an absolute sh!tload! crazy muscle and bone strucutre to withstand that, not to mention external fittings like eyes and alike. add to that living in a world with a total lack of light and you have a pretty dam amazing piece of evolution!

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oh god here we go... just to humour you

well in psi = 11395.68983

1 sq inch = 6.4516 cm2

1 kg = 2.2 pounds.

so 11395.68983 / 2.2 = 5179.859014 kg / Sq inch

therefore, per cm2 you have 5179.859014 / 6.4516 = 802.8797529 kg

benno = 99.6kg (weighted myself last night, finally under 100kg!)

therefore, per cm2 you have 802.8797529 / 99.6 = 8.061041696 benno's per cm2.


we happy now?

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