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Old Scaley

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Everything posted by Old Scaley

  1. Sorry mate, but that won’t help you. Isn’t the Quest for Big Bay Snapper?
  2. Well, it is only fair to say that that triumphant photo would not have been possible without @Allnighter. Now that the quest is finally over, can we please go back to gentleman’s hours? Getting out of bed at 2.30am is for insomniacs and bed wetters.
  3. I am a big fan of Aldi stuff generally but not so much of the braid. I still have a couple of spools I bought a few years ago but haven’t used. I just didn’t like the feel of it. But that is just my opinion and as I said, I haven’t tested it out yet. The other Aldi product I wouldn’t recommend is the electric knife sharpener. A bit rough for your better knives but will put an edge on knives you don’t really love.
  4. Well done, mate. I am sure there is nowhere else that Lance would have preferred for his final trip. He would have been so happy to see you land some quality fish.
  5. Well done, @TheCharliefisho. Nice flattie.
  6. Old Scaley

    NRL 2022

    Both good teams, should be a good series. The Penrith pairing of half and 5/8 will present a few problems for Cherry-Evans and Munster, but Munster has been in top form lately. I am a bit worried about Ponga as fullback. He still lacks a bit of size and experience in that sort of company, but he can do some classy work at times. Bring it on!
  7. Pre-dawn to 7pm! That is a huge day on the water. That is a great Mac @benno573. And your snapper @ellicat is just a hint of what you are in for this season. Congrats on a good day. Still can’t believe that Brian pulled up is anchor! Nice to see you boys out there on what turned into a beautiful day on the water.
  8. 6 knots from Goat with no Nav lights would have been a long and nervous trip. At least there was no donut.
  9. Fantastic fish, @Allnighter. Might have to change your user name to @allmorninger.
  10. Old Scaley

    NRL 2022

    For those playing along at home, Reynolds is out of tonight’s game against the knights. Replaced by debutant Ezra Mam. People other than me or @Drop Bear may wish to revise their tip. You’re welcome.
  11. Definitely a great watch @Kat. The underwater world always astounds me. And definitely didn’t mean to make light of an illness that makes life near impossible for so many people. I need to find an emoji for “tongue in cheek” (or maybe one for “I am being a real a-hole now”).
  12. Hope you have a great trip in June. You are still likely to get the SE trade winds through the cooler months but hopefully you will pick a nice patch of the weather to enjoy a beautiful part of the world. My only advice would be not to swim in CID Harbour.
  13. I remember watching that show a while ago. At first I thought wow, that is amazing. Then I thought about it and realised that I had fallen into the trap that a good nature documentary never does - the anthropomorphic idea that animals are only here for our pleasure and see and feel things the way humans do. So we have, let’s face it, a bit of a nut job free diving in freezing water and having a quasi sexual relationship with a creature that is so crazy that it beats itself to death after reproducing. We are supposed to believe that an animal which has no understanding of what humans call love takes a fancy to this dropkick who doesn’t know how to live out of the water. Who knows why the octopus behaved the way it did? Harsh review, I know. Having said all that, it does make a great story and anything that shows pictures of live fish taken underwater gets my attention. Now Paul the octopus that could predict Germany’s fate in the soccer World Cup some years ago, that was a real octopus! Good article, Brian.
  14. Old Scaley

    NRL 2022

    Seems like most teams (with Melbourne the exception) will go through a couple of seasons where nothing they do seems to lift confidence and get them over the line. Last season I thought the Dogs and the Titans were the 2 unluckiest teams in the comp, often losing games by a couple of points that they should have won.
  15. Unfortunately not a lot of City Cats running since the floods, but hopefully back soon. Check the Council website for updates. @Junky, those beautiful old wooden boats that ran the free routes were retired a couple of years ago for safety reasons. They have been replaced by Kitty Kats, smaller versions of the City Cats. I asked one of the Skippers if he missed the old wooden boats and he said they were nice for people to look at, but the new ones have 600 hp to play with as well as lots of technology so no, he didn’t miss them. The City Hopper is the free service around the CBD operated by the Kitty Kats. @Thorbjorn Hale, not sure where you were thinking of going but I have seen a few good fish landed on the southern side of the Captain Cook bridge when I have been walking there. Easy walk from either Southbank City Cat terminal or the Maritime Museum Kitty Kat stop.
  16. I’m heading to Woody Head late this week, so pretty sure I can drag those big South-Easterlies down there, leaving you a clear run in Qld. What about Evans Head or any of those Northern Rivers areas? Lots of good ground not far out and a lot less fuel getting there. Hope you have a good trip no matter where you end up.
  17. You aren’t too far away from the South Brisbane ramp. It used to have a pontoon but Inot sure after the flood. Excellent parking.
  18. Old Scaley

    NRL 2022

    Qld team trifecta. No wonder they call it magic round.
  19. I would be going as cheap as possible for a 4yo. Takes a while for them to realise that you shouldn’t drop the combo in the sand or water. Glass rod is best as he won’t break it easily. If you want better stuff, look for second hand gear. Once he has mastered the art, and if he is still interested, you could upgrade. Good luck, it is a special time.
  20. Old Scaley

    NRL 2022

    It will be interesting to see how the surface holds up after 8 games if we get the amount of rain that is forecast. It might look like the old grounds used to, when players used to relish diving around in the mud. Pity the poor Cowboys and Tigers playing last.
  21. A good team effort - Brian providing the burley and Kat catching the fish. Nice work.
  22. Nice report Andrew, but I am still trying to get my head around your rod bouncing around like Dolly Parton’s Ample bosom - seems you have made quite a study of Dolly’s assets. Fun fact: Dolly calls her superstructure “the Virginia Twins” - East and West. speaking of rods, it looks like you did a very nice job on those.
  23. Old Scaley

    NRL 2022

    Doh! Why does there have to be a second half?
  24. Old Scaley

    Drunk again

    Talking a big game here, @kmcrosby78. I am guessing Mrs Kelvin doesn’t visit this site......
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