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Old Scaley

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Everything posted by Old Scaley

  1. Not a big one, but will knock @benno573 and team north off the snapper leaderboard.
  2. @Drop Bear, I think Neil meant that it took 35 minutes to dig the worms. You can blame your COVID brain. Get well soon mate.
  3. Good luck on Saturday @christophagus. I am heading out in the morning (Friday) for the first time since early November. Hope I can remember which end of the rod is which. Pretty pumped to be getting out though.
  4. If you are heading north from there, up the Great Sandy Straits, there are miles of sandbars and drop offs that will hold whiting, flathead etc. Watch your tides though, the water runs out fast and a long way.
  5. Thanks @Flopper. Looks like all my questions are answered. You should get plenty of run time out of your LiFePO4 battery and looks like Watersnake have good inbuilt voltage control so will be safe enough. Looking forward to some fishing reports now.
  6. Looking good. Pretty sure you will love using it. A couple of questions: have you got a fuse somewhere on the positive cable? Can you cover the battery to keep salt off and reduce the chances of arcing? Is the LiFePO4 battery recommended by Watersnake? Hope it works out well for you.
  7. Holy flying spanos Batman! Thanks for that @Neil Stratford. I haven’t been on the water since beginning of November so very happy to live vicariously through your nephew and his magnificent mullet. Mullets are right back in fashion apparently. Watching the crowds this Ashes is like stepping back to the eighties.
  8. Why not just buy what your mates are using? Seems to be working for them. When you say “a big GT” what size are talking? 2kg or 50kg? Just a word of advice for you: most questions on this site take more than 30 minutes to be answered. If you need an instant response, try the local tackle shop as has been suggested earlier in this thread.
  9. What a great trip @benno573. And some top notch photos from you and @ellicat. I reckon you might want to check whether that bloke playing with Dottie has blue card, though. You picked the perfect weather window in what has been generally a pi$$ poor summer for fishing and camping.
  10. Is it breaking at the knot? If so, I reckon it must be the knot because leader should last years. Double uni should work ok, but have you tried any other knots?
  11. Looks like you have it nailed. Looking forward to the reports.
  12. What line weight is the rod? What line are you using? You can catch the sort of trevs you find in the estuaries down the coast on very light gear if you are patient and have your drag set correctly. Jacks need heavier gear, which will also handle trevs easily. Bait or lures?
  13. Channel catfish are American fish that would be a noxious pest here. Catfish is popular in parts of Asia and Asian catfish are marketed here as Basa (pretty sure but not certain). Catfish from the Argyle Dam in WA are marketed as Silver Cobbler, but they are a different species to the dirty old Brissie River stink fish. Like @AUS-BNE-FISHO I wouldn’t eat them, even though I eat other fish from the lower reaches of the river. @Drop Bear could make an old boot taste good so you can safely follow his tips.
  14. Yep. Happy New Year one and all.
  15. Good to see you boys enjoying a good grunter up the passage. I am guessing the food photo belongs to @benno573 and is @babybenno’s dinner.
  16. I have been off the water for the last 6 weeks but will be back into it starting now. I have had plenty of time for research on the www and YouTube. Last week something on AFO made me look at catfish in the Brisbane River (yep, I was bored) and I came across this Wikipedia page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brisbane_River_Classic Some of the names will be familiar to those tragic like me who have been on this site for years, and of course @AUS-BNE-FISHO who told me a while ago that he has read every post on the site. Enjoy!
  17. Donut one day, 84 bass the next - we knew you would bounce back, Ray. Did the trap thieves offer some weak excuse or just fess up and fall on your mercy?
  18. Wow, Ray. I don’t recall any other donut days for you. It hasn’t been the best fishing weather this summer, so kudos to you for braving the weather so often.
  19. Go get ‘em Robbie. Lots of room on the leaderboard for more Southside entries.
  20. I think that @Neil Stratford‘s success is proof of 2 truisms about fishing: (1) time on water is key; (2) 80% of fish are caught by 20% of fishermen. Well done Neil. I am looking at the categories yet to be dominated by the mighty Southsiders so I can target a species after Christmas. No flathead on the leaderboard yet, @Kat. Should be a few down your way.
  21. Those winteries look nice and fat, Kelvin. Good luck tomorrow. Go the mighty southsiders!
  22. A few good fish there Kelvin. I bet your boys were a bit cranky about not being on that trip. Hope you get into them over the holidays.
  23. Yep, merry Christmas everyone. Stay safe on the water and be kind to the ramp ragers and other numpties that tend to come out over the Christmas break.
  24. Some fantastic photos there Mark. Nailing it as usual. Looking forward to seeing the Christmas mac reports.
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