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Old Scaley

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Everything posted by Old Scaley

  1. I’m definitely with you on that one Hamish. The other thing that pisses me off is people who deliberately flout the security rules down the port and fish up against (or even under) the wharves. Not because I hate rule breakers but because one day the port authority will close the area to fishing and that would be a shame. Regarding the tv presenters, I don’t mind Lee Rayner, even if he is Rex Hunt’s son-in-law. And the two dudes on Big Angry Fish, or the two guys on Hook,Line and Sinker. I do watch a lot of YouTube videos now, mostly for the local content. Some are good and some are rubbish.
  2. And beware the summer north easterly that springs up around 11.15am most days. If it is over 10 knots and there is an outgoing tide it can be uncomfortable. Over 15 knots it is really uncomfortable.
  3. Do you mean the plastic kid’s toothbrush beside the bamboo ones? Or the plastic packaging on the bamboo toothbrushes? Or both? @samsteele115 have you been up close to the tip on the gulf side of the cape? You would be shocked at the amount of rubbish on the remotest of beaches. Most of it with Indonesian labels. I guess they will become as environmentally conscious as we are when they are as rich as we are.
  4. Did you get any up at Gladstone Hamish? Are you back home yet?
  5. I have one of the stainless ones that Lance sold. Any of you guys are welcome to borrow it if you want to try it out before you buy one. @davostephens, thanks for the tips. Can you please explain how you attach the rubber band?
  6. Old Scaley


    Hard to top those memories @Drop Bear
  7. Old Scaley


    Holy cr@p Henry. That video is going to give me nightmares for sure. Those guys are insane. Makes taking a trip to Baia Lodge seem like a stroll from your armchair to the bar fridge. I would love to go to New Britain for a look and a fish. I was born up that way but left as a toddler so have no memory of it at all but it has always fascinated me.
  8. Epic battle. No crocs near the boat ramp then?
  9. Might need a couple of extra drivers and a 4x4 to do it in a couple of days @Kat. The last 6 or 700ks you will be off the bitumen. Lots of great spots between your place and there so get that fourby, boat and trailer and take your time on the way up. You will have the road trip of your life.
  10. Someone on this site has hooked a dolphin, but that is his story to tell.
  11. Congratulations @GregOug. The weight is fine for your target species for your average Bay snap or dinner size reefie. Probably a bit longer than you would normally go if you are on a boat but still manageable. Would make a great spin stick off the shore for lizards or chopper tailor. seems like we need to set up a live fibre owners group because they are getting lots of coverage around here lately.
  12. Nice work @Andrew_P. One of us will get elusive Nerang 40+ one day.
  13. Sensational @samsteele115. Looks like a top destination, are you staying put for the week or moving around the area? Stupid question really- why would you leave. Love the look of that passionfruit trout.
  14. Doh! Made it too easy again. Over to you @christophagus
  15. Ok, nice easy one. Clue 1. For a bottom dweller, I sure set my sights high.
  16. Butis butis or crazyfish, as described in your 34th report?
  17. Now you’re talking, Hamish. I haven’t had crab for ages. Pots will start to get a workout soon, especially if we get some rain. Good luck!
  18. I have a strap on my winch and like Brian said, they are neat and strong. Always had cable before and hated them. Dirty and messy, and full of spikey bits as they get older. Dyneema looks great too, but always wonder if it isn’t laid on neatly whether it might shift and become just a little loose?
  19. You have to be happy with a PB @ellicat. Trolling or float?
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