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Old Scaley

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Everything posted by Old Scaley

  1. Yes, Hamish. You can use Soda water instead if beer is too precious. No eggs, though. Just flour, beer, a pinch of salt and baking soda if you have it handy. Takes a bit of practice to get the right consistency to keep it light, but once the brew is right the rest is easy. Now all you need is another flatty.
  2. Can’t say I have ever tried battered fish on a BBQ, but looks like it works. A real camping treat is bite sized pieces of fresh flathead in a really light beer batter flash fried in hot oil and eaten as soon as it cools enough. Hard to beat with an icy cold beer and good mates.
  3. Have you tried eating fresh water Eels @Drop Bear? When I was in my twenties I went eel fishing with a couple of Dutch mates who were hankering for a home style treat. We cooked them every which way (including smoked) and they just tasted like dog vomit. Even soaked them in milk overnight on a couple of occasions. No doubt your culinary skills are far better than mine but just wondering how you would cook them?
  4. Old Scaley

    Nrl 2020

    What about Stevie Wonder running the line? Looked like he was staring at that foot from about 2 metres away when it touched the line. I guess his seeing eye dog was still in quarantine. AND, he is Australian so maybe he just wanted to get out of Wellington alive. The Wallabies will need to improve their lineout and ball control before the next game because you can bet the All Blacks will be coming back harder and better.
  5. Love your work, gentlemen? I am guessing that worms were the go since you started on high tide? Benno574 sure is growing up fast - must be all that good seafood.
  6. Old Scaley

    Nrl 2020

    Incredible last 8 minutes.
  7. Very sad news indeed, Mark. Lance was a gem of a human being. Always helpful, extremely knowledgeable and exceptionally kind. He will be sorely missed.
  8. Nice work @Ducks nuts. Haven’t seen those yabbie plastics before. Might have to get some. Who doesn’t need more cr#p in their tackle box?
  9. Showing my age now, but about 40 years ago my brother-in-law used to make his own copies of Nilsmaster lures, which were the go to lures at that time. Around this time of the year we used to take them down to the rock fingers at Gatetakers Bay in Hervey Bay and fish the sandy patches between the rocks. They were deadly on flathead and we managed a few well over the metre mark. Seeing them come towards you when you were standing in knee deep water was pretty damn exciting. That is when you can see why they are called crocs. There was no maximum size then and we kept the first one for a show off and a feed, but it was dry and not so tasty so we released the others. I haven’t seen any that big since then.
  10. I am not familiar with either of those programs but I do have a spare navionics gold card that you can have if that is useful. It is several years old and you can’t update those cards, and I can’t guarantee that it will work outside of the Raymarine unit it was supplied with. If you do want it, just pm your name and address and I will post it to you next week.
  11. I am pretty hopeless at beach worming - just can’t resist snatching at the worm when he pops his head out, or I get in the right position and just about to nail one of the slippery little critters when a wave washes away any hope. I have a mate who is brilliant at worming. I have seen him drag 3 out at the same time. He uses either a pippi or a piece of hard smelly cheese as the hand held bait. He reckons pillies are too soft and that worms don’t stay up as long as they do with the tougher baits. Coincidentally I was chatting with one of the guys that digs the mud worms professionally and he assured me that it wasn’t as hard as it looks. I have never tried it personally.
  12. Because there are 2 tidal bulges: the one directly below the moon and one on the opposite side of the earth. So, if you drew a line from the moon to the earth and carried it through the centre to the other side of the earth, both places where the line crosses the earth surface will experience high tide because of the gravitational pull of the moon. Hope that makes sense.
  13. Crib Island is now part of the airport.
  14. Nice work @samsteele115. Reassuring to know that even paradise has slow days. How did you cook the trevor? Very underrated table fish.
  15. I have always found that the trickiest part is undoing the screws. Some are easy but a lot are in so tight that it is a challenge to get them out without burring the head. One thing I read somewhere was to use white spirit for the cleaning process and to avoid using WD40 or similar because they can trap dirt and grit. Keep grease to a minimum and there are parts you should not put oil. The user manual has info about where you should and shouldn’t put grease or oil. Two excellent pieces of advice above from @Junky 1. Use blue loctite if you undo the bail arm bearing 2. Don’t drink and service
  16. Hey Greg. It is a live fibre territory 8kg baitcast barra rod. It is 6 foot. I really like the feel of of it, it is well finished and has a beautiful action. You know how some rods just feel right and others feel sort of stiff and hollow.
  17. So here is a question for the battery nerds. I have a 110ah agm battery that just powers the sounder/gps unit and occasionally the bilge pump. I don’t have a lot of knowledge of batteries but I think I am doing the right thing by putting the batteries (one for the sounder and a separate one for the electric motor) on charge after each use. I use a good 9 stage charger. So, question number 1 is am I doing the right thing? Next question. When I was playing around with sounder settings a few days ago, I decided to turn on the low voltage alarm. The default was 11.2 volts and I am a default kind of guy so I left it at that. Now, normally when I have the sounder working the voltage on the unit reads around the 11.6 or 11.7 mark. Yesterday I had forgotten to charge that battery before we went out and when I switched it on the low voltage alarm sounded and the unit said there was 11.2 volts. I turned it off and only used it sparingly through the day. The run out to Mud charged it up to 11.5, but it did drop again from use when the motor wasn’t running. When I got home I put the multimeter on it and it read 12.39 volts. I put the charger on and it also read 12.39. I left it on slow charge but when I checked a couple hours later it was fully charged, whereas it would normally be overnight if it had had a decent run. The battery is less than a year old, the terminals are spotless, the connections are tight so my question is what do you think might be happening? So I think the battery is fine. Am I losing power somewhere or should I just set the voltage alarm a bit lower? At what voltage am I likely to damage either the sounder or the battery?
  18. I was there to witness that one. No damage done. Not like the guy I saw leaving the ramp one day as I was putting in. He had his rods still in the rod holders over the transom and a lure got caught in the trees as he took off. The drag was screaming and people were calling out but he didn’t hear them. Not sure how far he got before the line snapped or the rod and reel bounced out of the boat because I was heading out, but I did feel sorry for him.
  19. Nice flattie bro. Like Brian said, don’t feel bad about keeping it. Lots of people have different ideas and standards, but I reckon let the experts make the rules and the rest of us should follow them. Practice catch and release if you like, but there is also nothing wrong with keeping a feed.
  20. Glad I wasn’t following you or I might still be unwinding braid from the prop shaft. Hope it sinks??
  21. Well done, Hamish. I can’t believe you were still awake at that late hour to write this report! You have perfected the art of fishing magazine writing - taking a day that produced only a few fish and turning it into a ripping yarn. I can’t believe I lost that snapper. It was a real beauty and I thought it was done and dusted. Maybe it was hooked in the cheek? Anyway, still fun. Thanks for your company Hamish, Kat and Brian. It was a fun day.
  22. Cracker fish mate. Good way to reconnect to the site!
  23. I have a 4 - 6kg raider snapper light that I bought a few years ago to match a Daiwa TD Sol reel. I rarely use it. It looks nice but it just doesn’t have the same feel as some of my other rods. I have been looking for a new snapper/tuna rod and thinking about a Live Fibre because I have a live fibre barra rod that I really like. A bit more money, but buy once buy right is my motto.
  24. It is a bit tricky but if you watch your markers you should be able to get in and out on dead low. Hope you didn’t do any damage.
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