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Old Scaley

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Everything posted by Old Scaley

  1. Zinggggg. That’s what happens when you (me) try to be a smart ar@e at 4am.
  2. Make sure you are not on your phone for the clas on punctuation @AUS-BNE-FISHO. Your alliteration was perfect but you put the apostrophe in the wrong place . Hang on - you’re a southsider- scratch that sledge!
  3. You sure know how to add some excitement to a few days camping @ellicat. Russell Coight would be proud of you. Glad you mad3 it home safely mate and had some quality time with Mitch.
  4. Thanks @Clinton. Seaforth is a top spot for fishing. I have in-laws that used to live at The Leap and many years ago we went out in a small tinny from the creek ramp a couple of times. Two days in a row I caught huge golden trevally and good sized mackerel just bottom bashing with chunks of squid and pilchards less than 100 metres from the shore. If we had known what we were doing then we could have has some amazing sessions.
  5. Go as big as you can afford. Especially where there may be crocs. I think you will struggle with 6hp and 3 people. But if you do go over 6hp don’t forget you (or the driver) will need a licence. Good luck with your search.
  6. I remember when the two crocs were eventually captured in the Mary River after years of sightings. Also remember chatting with a solo yachtie on a little island who told me he was the first person to report a croc sighting in the Great Sandy Straits. He said no one believed him but since he spends most of the cooler months sailing around the Cape I reckon he would know what a croc looked like. Might have to be careful in the Logan River as well https://www.slq.qld.gov.au/blog/crocodile-found-logan-river-1905
  7. @Drop Bear, the extendable poles are not too bad but you need to maintain the connection on the boat so that the contacts still move on the springs. I give it a shot of silicon spray every month or so. Also, you need to tighten them in when using them by screwing down that black plastic locking thingo (technical term).
  8. Ouch!!! Anyway, @benno573, you know you are welcome on my tub anytime even if you are fishing for the enemy. I will even help you land any potential winning fish. Come to think of it though you will have more options in @GregOug‘s rocket than you would in my sardine tin.
  9. Hmmm, team north looks pretty strong on paper. Might need some reinforcements for the mighty Southside. @Drop Bear @rayke1938
  10. Haha, @benno573. Well, if you would just hurry up and get the sack from your work (I can’t believe they have kept employing you for so long!) we could go there a lot more regularly. A second yabbie pumper wouldn’t hurt either.
  11. Thanks for posting @ellicat. We didn’t get the 40cm whiting we were hoping for but did accumulate a feed. Here you are with the first flounder There was no shortage of bream, but we only kept a few of the bigger ones for dinner. Here is my share of the catch
  12. Try the demolition yards @AUS-BNE-FISHO. I have seen some of them with signs out the front selling timber offcuts really cheap.
  13. Happy to give you $40 for that, Brian. I have been looking for a replacement for my old Plano.
  14. Thanks Ray, that was very interesting. I didn’t know that the breakthrough at Jumpinpin was so recent (1898). @DropBear will be interested in this.
  15. Definitely not 1, because lying to get what you want is not right. As anyone who knows me will understand, number 4 would be the winner in my household. Good luck!
  16. Why would you care @GregOug? Ain’t no trophies heading north of the river in 2020.
  17. I haven’t heard of anyone catching a legal Red Emperor in Moreton Bay. Maybe someone has. But the fact that juveniles are present would tend to indicate that there must be mature fish there at breeding time at least. Does that make sense?
  18. What I was thinking, Greg, was that if there was a serial pest at the ramp unlocking the towball clips, maybe they had tampered with yours as well. You would have noticed that for sure when you unhitched the trailer from the car. Seems like they only have a grudge against Brian.
  19. It sure was a magic day out on the water @ellicat. @GregOug And I just couldn’t get any love from the fishies yesterday, only landing a couple of small squire all day. We did get pickered (thanks for the word, Hamish) all morning on the bottom baits but nothing took an interest in Greg’s unweighted pillie at all. In retrospect, we should have anchored as well. One thing I learned yesterday was that 200 horses can run a lot faster and further than 40. We certainly covered some ground in quick time! Thanks for day out, Greg. Glad to hear you had no real damage from the trailer incident, Brian. It is a good reminder for all of us to run through a quick checklist when we get back to the ramp to avoid any nasty surprises. Greg, did you check your coupling after hearing about Brian’s incident?
  20. @rayke1938, are you referring to the BFO shirt or the picture of @ellicat with a keeper?
  21. At least you got a couple in the esky today. My lawyers will be talking to yours tomorrow about the anchor libel. Hopefully a good day on Thursday will bring the mojo back to Ellicatch.
  22. That must be very satisfying @samsteele115. I was over there last week, just in time for the bad weather. I took some gear over but ended up just fishing the beach at Cylinder to stay out of the wind. Only did a couple of short sessions with plastics for no result, but did see a huge run of mullet passing through. It is a beautiful part of the world, Sam. I hope you continue to enjoy it. I admire your commitment to sustainability.
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