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  1. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from Drop Bear in Under The Thumb   
    So I take it you will be chasing a youngish Zumba instructor who has her own 35ft boat, loves fishing and who will buy you all the reels and fishing gear you want, as well as take you out fishing when ever you want? 🤣
  2. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from ellicat in Big storm this afternoon and tonight.   
    But I do, when I stick my hand out the door and it gets wet, it's raining, if I see a cat flying through the air I know it's windy and if I see a coconut smashing through a wall I know there is a cyclone.🤣
    A friend of my wifes boss said that his plastic downpipes had holes in them where the Hail hit them horizontaly.
  3. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from AUS-BNE-FISHO in Under The Thumb   
    So I take it you will be chasing a youngish Zumba instructor who has her own 35ft boat, loves fishing and who will buy you all the reels and fishing gear you want, as well as take you out fishing when ever you want? 🤣
  4. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from GregOug in Big storm this afternoon and tonight.   
    But I do, when I stick my hand out the door and it gets wet, it's raining, if I see a cat flying through the air I know it's windy and if I see a coconut smashing through a wall I know there is a cyclone.🤣
    A friend of my wifes boss said that his plastic downpipes had holes in them where the Hail hit them horizontaly.
  5. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from Drop Bear in For those who are feeling rich at the moment   
    Nah, don't want it, it's the wrong colour! 🤣
  6. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from GregOug in For those who are feeling rich at the moment   
    Nah, don't want it, it's the wrong colour! 🤣
  7. Wow
    Ed. got a reaction from Drop Bear in Big storm this afternoon and tonight.   
    Well this afternoon the sky opened up and we had the biggest storm I have seen here since we have lived here in Ningi in over 20 years , we had hail up to 50mm and winds about 60knots, together with many lightning strikes and it flooded, had that much rain all the gutters were over flowing and the street flooded in 20 minutes, more came this evening but I think that it will start easing off now. I would have hated to be in the passage today.
    Tomorrow I have to find a length of new poly carbonate roof sheeting as the hail put 20  holes in the existing sheet in the garage roof, which most likely had perished over the years with exposure to the UV and heat. Trouble is I need my trailer to pick up a sheet and it is sitting at the back of my property, so with the amount of rain we have had the ground will probably be soft as mush.
    I didn't bother to fix or tarp up the shed roof as there is no way I am climbing up on a tin roof in the middle of the pouring rain, with the wind and also with the lightning striking all around us, the type that rattles your windows. So it was interesting to say the least, will go out tomorrow morning and check out the damage.
    Anyone else have damage to their homes?
  8. Like
    Ed. reacted to GregOug in What Am I   
    Every male in Queensland?
  9. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from kmcrosby78 in Night Fishing   
    Those pots are all over the place in the passage, sometimes you have to zig zag your way though them. Not sure if it is legal to put them in the channels but people do regardless.
  10. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from GregOug in Big storm this afternoon and tonight.   
    Well this afternoon the sky opened up and we had the biggest storm I have seen here since we have lived here in Ningi in over 20 years , we had hail up to 50mm and winds about 60knots, together with many lightning strikes and it flooded, had that much rain all the gutters were over flowing and the street flooded in 20 minutes, more came this evening but I think that it will start easing off now. I would have hated to be in the passage today.
    Tomorrow I have to find a length of new poly carbonate roof sheeting as the hail put 20  holes in the existing sheet in the garage roof, which most likely had perished over the years with exposure to the UV and heat. Trouble is I need my trailer to pick up a sheet and it is sitting at the back of my property, so with the amount of rain we have had the ground will probably be soft as mush.
    I didn't bother to fix or tarp up the shed roof as there is no way I am climbing up on a tin roof in the middle of the pouring rain, with the wind and also with the lightning striking all around us, the type that rattles your windows. So it was interesting to say the least, will go out tomorrow morning and check out the damage.
    Anyone else have damage to their homes?
  11. Thanks
    Ed. got a reaction from Junky in Big storm this afternoon and tonight.   
    It was very directional and narrow in a NW direction down the coast, my wife works in Caboolture (10Km away) and she said there was hardly anything coming down, she could hear the thunder and a bit of rain but that was it. Looking on the bright side, I wont have to water the garden for a while and it also looks like it might hit Frazer Island shortly so it may put out the fires there. I suspect we may have had over 100mm of rain.
    I think that there may have been an update to the sites software.
  12. Wow
    Ed. got a reaction from AUS-BNE-FISHO in Big storm this afternoon and tonight.   
    Well this afternoon the sky opened up and we had the biggest storm I have seen here since we have lived here in Ningi in over 20 years , we had hail up to 50mm and winds about 60knots, together with many lightning strikes and it flooded, had that much rain all the gutters were over flowing and the street flooded in 20 minutes, more came this evening but I think that it will start easing off now. I would have hated to be in the passage today.
    Tomorrow I have to find a length of new poly carbonate roof sheeting as the hail put 20  holes in the existing sheet in the garage roof, which most likely had perished over the years with exposure to the UV and heat. Trouble is I need my trailer to pick up a sheet and it is sitting at the back of my property, so with the amount of rain we have had the ground will probably be soft as mush.
    I didn't bother to fix or tarp up the shed roof as there is no way I am climbing up on a tin roof in the middle of the pouring rain, with the wind and also with the lightning striking all around us, the type that rattles your windows. So it was interesting to say the least, will go out tomorrow morning and check out the damage.
    Anyone else have damage to their homes?
  13. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from AUS-BNE-FISHO in Under The Thumb   
    No problem on that part, I know what I was getting myself in for, as we met at my friends karate school where she was learning and I was a visiting instructor. 😉. When I came back to live permanently in Vic from WA a year later,  we started going out and then married, that was 33 years. So still alive, must be doing something right!🥰
    As for the rolling pin, keep making comments like that to her sister and your more at risk than me, they could gang up on you and club you into submision.🤣
  14. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from Drop Bear in Under The Thumb   
    And it shows! but you know what they say about "blood is thicker than water", I'll be waiting to read the news about man being clubbed by sisters with rolling pin in the news feeds. 🤣
  15. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from ellicat in Under The Thumb   
    No problem on that part, I know what I was getting myself in for, as we met at my friends karate school where she was learning and I was a visiting instructor. 😉. When I came back to live permanently in Vic from WA a year later,  we started going out and then married, that was 33 years. So still alive, must be doing something right!🥰
    As for the rolling pin, keep making comments like that to her sister and your more at risk than me, they could gang up on you and club you into submision.🤣
  16. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from Drop Bear in Under The Thumb   
    It's quite strenuous but all the women that I have spoken to really enjoy it hence the smiles on their faces, and if the missus  likes it then who am I to argue, she has been doing it for about 10-15 years, I would be lucky to survive  a minute at that pace, in fact I barely survive just going to the gym a few times a week.
  17. Love
    Ed. got a reaction from Drop Bear in Under The Thumb   
    Wifey keeps threatening to use the whipper snipper on me to give me a good session of deforestation to get rid of the overgrowth so to speak, speaking of the wifey, she just completed her Zumba instructors course so I can now officially say that I am married to a Zumba instructor!🤣
  18. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from kmcrosby78 in Under The Thumb   
    You girls aren't the only ones with hair growing in places where it wasn't before. Some guys as we turn older are walking carpets! 😁
  19. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from kmcrosby78 in Under The Thumb   
    Wifey keeps threatening to use the whipper snipper on me to give me a good session of deforestation to get rid of the overgrowth so to speak, speaking of the wifey, she just completed her Zumba instructors course so I can now officially say that I am married to a Zumba instructor!🤣
  20. Like
    Ed. reacted to Drop Bear in Under The Thumb   
    I have a bear suit under my normal clothes... 
  21. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from GregOug in Under The Thumb   
    You girls aren't the only ones with hair growing in places where it wasn't before. Some guys as we turn older are walking carpets! 😁
  22. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from ellicat in Under The Thumb   
    You girls aren't the only ones with hair growing in places where it wasn't before. Some guys as we turn older are walking carpets! 😁
  23. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from Kat in Under The Thumb   
    You girls aren't the only ones with hair growing in places where it wasn't before. Some guys as we turn older are walking carpets! 😁
  24. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from Drop Bear in Under The Thumb   
    You girls aren't the only ones with hair growing in places where it wasn't before. Some guys as we turn older are walking carpets! 😁
  25. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from Brodie_S in Under The Thumb   
    My wife is also good, tells me to go fishing, she was even going to buy me my new reel this morning but unfortunately the stores didn't have the model I wanted, even buys me a fishing trip occasionally.
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