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  1. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from kmcrosby78 in Experiment   
    Sharkbait anyone?🤣 8m is getting a bit deep, I used to do that when I was 20 now not so sure, and you probably couldn't see the bottom from the surface, if you could, maybe a paddle around on the surface to see if you could spot it and drop a line with a grapple hook on it to pull it up, however chances are by now that it will be covered over with sand/silt.
  2. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from kmcrosby78 in Experiment   
    That was an expensive lapse of judgement but you already know that. Did you mark that location with GPS and what was the depth, if not too deep you might want to go for a snorkel and have a look around. Or else pay a diver to go have a look.
  3. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from Kat in Experiment   
    That was an expensive lapse of judgement but you already know that. Did you mark that location with GPS and what was the depth, if not too deep you might want to go for a snorkel and have a look around. Or else pay a diver to go have a look.
  4. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from Drop Bear in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    I reckon they are cute! either way I much prefer them to the rats and mice. They can eat of those as many as they want! In fact that is why  I think it is hanging around the water feature for, some nice take away or fast food so to speak. 😄 My wife is probably going to drag me outside to check if it is still there in the morning when she goes off to work. I haven't shown her the big one out the back that occasionally visits us, makes this one look like a new born! 🤣
  5. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from Drop Bear in Experiment   
    Sharkbait anyone?🤣 8m is getting a bit deep, I used to do that when I was 20 now not so sure, and you probably couldn't see the bottom from the surface, if you could, maybe a paddle around on the surface to see if you could spot it and drop a line with a grapple hook on it to pull it up, however chances are by now that it will be covered over with sand/silt.
  6. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from Drop Bear in Experiment   
    Were you in a wetsuit when you tried, if you were, you will also need a weight belt,  I have one if you want to borrow it. How deep is the water there? Always nice to buy a new reel and rod but it's also nice to keep the old stuff too especially if it is a nice setup.
  7. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from ellicat in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    I reckon they are cute! either way I much prefer them to the rats and mice. They can eat of those as many as they want! In fact that is why  I think it is hanging around the water feature for, some nice take away or fast food so to speak. 😄 My wife is probably going to drag me outside to check if it is still there in the morning when she goes off to work. I haven't shown her the big one out the back that occasionally visits us, makes this one look like a new born! 🤣
  8. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from ellicat in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    Speaking of snakes, saw the first one tonight since last summer, I have a water feature near the front door and it was behind it, another young one, probably about 1.2m  long carpet snake, showed the missus and she freaked. 🤣

  9. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from Old Scaley in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    I reckon they are cute! either way I much prefer them to the rats and mice. They can eat of those as many as they want! In fact that is why  I think it is hanging around the water feature for, some nice take away or fast food so to speak. 😄 My wife is probably going to drag me outside to check if it is still there in the morning when she goes off to work. I haven't shown her the big one out the back that occasionally visits us, makes this one look like a new born! 🤣
  10. Like
    Ed. reacted to GregOug in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    Actually @Drop Bear, you should have placed a full stop after the ‘in’ and before the ‘haha’, which also should be capitalised thus ‘HaHa’.
    your fellow pedant
  11. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from Drop Bear in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    Yep, "Another Wazza " mentioned that a few posts back  so I checked and so it looks like my neighbor was wrong, I just went by what she called it, I figured that as she had a few parrots she would know better than I would. For a little bird they do have a big voice which is what got my attention when I first heard it. But it is too late for me to change the title though, if one of the mods can change that to the correct name that would be good.
  12. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from ellicat in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    Yep, "Another Wazza " mentioned that a few posts back  so I checked and so it looks like my neighbor was wrong, I just went by what she called it, I figured that as she had a few parrots she would know better than I would. For a little bird they do have a big voice which is what got my attention when I first heard it. But it is too late for me to change the title though, if one of the mods can change that to the correct name that would be good.
  13. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from Drop Bear in Some People Are Pigs   
    That 10 Cents a bottle refund was was supposed to stop that sort of crap going on! At least that was what the politician responsible for this fiasco said when I rang him up and gave him heaps about that stupid legislation. I told him it would not work and it only inconvenienced the rest of the population. Pigs will be pigs and no amount of refund money is going to get these morons to stop dumping their cans and bottles. My wife and I recycle our bottles and whenever we go for a drive somewhere she spots the cans on the sides of the roads and says 10 cents, 20 cents, 30 cents etc. etc. By the time we finish going for a short drive anywhere we are probably up  to several dollars! Only upside is that it gives a few people who need extra cash an opportunity to get some and they help to clean up the mess a bit.
    Maybe they should introduce a a largish fine for littering and actively police it , say a $200-500 per can or rubbish item, even then, it still won't stop some pigs as they know that the police aren't around when they do it.
    You can't legislate against people being pigs.
  14. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from Angry51 in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    Yep, as the weather warms up and with fresh rains they will be coming out of the woodwork. Where I live, nearly all my neighbours keep chickens and that attracts the rats and the mice which in turns attracts the snakes and quite a few properties also have dams. I have a lot of Golden Cane palms, so as the fruit ripens, that attracts the fruit bats and the larger carpet pythons just hang out in the fronds waiting for their dinner to arrive. So just one big restaurant! and they all come to eat at Ed's! 🤣
  15. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from Another Wazza in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    Yep, as the weather warms up and with fresh rains they will be coming out of the woodwork. Where I live, nearly all my neighbours keep chickens and that attracts the rats and the mice which in turns attracts the snakes and quite a few properties also have dams. I have a lot of Golden Cane palms, so as the fruit ripens, that attracts the fruit bats and the larger carpet pythons just hang out in the fronds waiting for their dinner to arrive. So just one big restaurant! and they all come to eat at Ed's! 🤣
  16. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from Brodie_S in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    I went out to check the letter box this afternoon and heard an odd bird squawk, so look around and there was this young Major Mitchell parrot looking down at me from one of my bamboo clumps about 3m up,  so went closer to get a better look. It started to climb down a branch trying to get down to me so I thought that was a bit odd, normally they fly away when you get too close to them. Anyway it continued climbing down all the way down to the ground branch by branch, then after a bit of coaxing it came up to me and started to nibble on my feet and toes ( brave bird!). Even allowed me to pat it. My wife keeps telling me I need to make new friends, she doesn't like my other ones, the long slithery ones that slide along the ground, It was visibly quite hungry and trying to find something to eat on the ground with out much success, obviously it was someones pet that had somehow got loose.
    Got some bread and a pear from the house as they were the only things that I thought that it might eat as I didn't have any nuts.  It didn't like those, so got my wife out there as well to keep it company whilst I scrounged around inside trying to find something else to give it. Found some Muesli clusters in the cupboard and got a small container of water for it. That was a bit more appetizing for it, then I remembered my neighbour keeps some parrots so rang them in case it was one of theirs that had got loose. Although it wasn't theirs but they did have a spare cage and their daughters other half works as a vet assist, so they came over and collected it, they will put it up on their facebook page so hopefully it will be reunited with its owner.
    So that's my good deed done for the day.😇

  17. Haha
    Ed. got a reaction from ellicat in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    Yep, as the weather warms up and with fresh rains they will be coming out of the woodwork. Where I live, nearly all my neighbours keep chickens and that attracts the rats and the mice which in turns attracts the snakes and quite a few properties also have dams. I have a lot of Golden Cane palms, so as the fruit ripens, that attracts the fruit bats and the larger carpet pythons just hang out in the fronds waiting for their dinner to arrive. So just one big restaurant! and they all come to eat at Ed's! 🤣
  18. Wow
    Ed. got a reaction from ellicat in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    There are quite a few around here, mostly carpet pythons and the blacks are the most common, a few tree snakes , a few whip snakes and the odd brown, I don't mind most except the browns. The carpet snakes like to go into the sheds and into the roof cavity when its gets cold and I come across them when I do some work in the sheds, I go to lift something up and they just stare at me and occasionally give me a hiss, so I just let them be and work around them. The blacks keep the browns under control and so very rarely do I see one of those. There are Tigers around here occasionally but I have never seen them at our place but I do see them as road kill on the road nearby.
  19. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from rayke1938 in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    I went out to check the letter box this afternoon and heard an odd bird squawk, so look around and there was this young Major Mitchell parrot looking down at me from one of my bamboo clumps about 3m up,  so went closer to get a better look. It started to climb down a branch trying to get down to me so I thought that was a bit odd, normally they fly away when you get too close to them. Anyway it continued climbing down all the way down to the ground branch by branch, then after a bit of coaxing it came up to me and started to nibble on my feet and toes ( brave bird!). Even allowed me to pat it. My wife keeps telling me I need to make new friends, she doesn't like my other ones, the long slithery ones that slide along the ground, It was visibly quite hungry and trying to find something to eat on the ground with out much success, obviously it was someones pet that had somehow got loose.
    Got some bread and a pear from the house as they were the only things that I thought that it might eat as I didn't have any nuts.  It didn't like those, so got my wife out there as well to keep it company whilst I scrounged around inside trying to find something else to give it. Found some Muesli clusters in the cupboard and got a small container of water for it. That was a bit more appetizing for it, then I remembered my neighbour keeps some parrots so rang them in case it was one of theirs that had got loose. Although it wasn't theirs but they did have a spare cage and their daughters other half works as a vet assist, so they came over and collected it, they will put it up on their facebook page so hopefully it will be reunited with its owner.
    So that's my good deed done for the day.😇

  20. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from ellicat in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    Thanks, but no... that my wifes feet. I was taking the picture. 😄
  21. Love
    Ed. got a reaction from Kat in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    I went out to check the letter box this afternoon and heard an odd bird squawk, so look around and there was this young Major Mitchell parrot looking down at me from one of my bamboo clumps about 3m up,  so went closer to get a better look. It started to climb down a branch trying to get down to me so I thought that was a bit odd, normally they fly away when you get too close to them. Anyway it continued climbing down all the way down to the ground branch by branch, then after a bit of coaxing it came up to me and started to nibble on my feet and toes ( brave bird!). Even allowed me to pat it. My wife keeps telling me I need to make new friends, she doesn't like my other ones, the long slithery ones that slide along the ground, It was visibly quite hungry and trying to find something to eat on the ground with out much success, obviously it was someones pet that had somehow got loose.
    Got some bread and a pear from the house as they were the only things that I thought that it might eat as I didn't have any nuts.  It didn't like those, so got my wife out there as well to keep it company whilst I scrounged around inside trying to find something else to give it. Found some Muesli clusters in the cupboard and got a small container of water for it. That was a bit more appetizing for it, then I remembered my neighbour keeps some parrots so rang them in case it was one of theirs that had got loose. Although it wasn't theirs but they did have a spare cage and their daughters other half works as a vet assist, so they came over and collected it, they will put it up on their facebook page so hopefully it will be reunited with its owner.
    So that's my good deed done for the day.😇

  22. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from Junky in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    I went out to check the letter box this afternoon and heard an odd bird squawk, so look around and there was this young Major Mitchell parrot looking down at me from one of my bamboo clumps about 3m up,  so went closer to get a better look. It started to climb down a branch trying to get down to me so I thought that was a bit odd, normally they fly away when you get too close to them. Anyway it continued climbing down all the way down to the ground branch by branch, then after a bit of coaxing it came up to me and started to nibble on my feet and toes ( brave bird!). Even allowed me to pat it. My wife keeps telling me I need to make new friends, she doesn't like my other ones, the long slithery ones that slide along the ground, It was visibly quite hungry and trying to find something to eat on the ground with out much success, obviously it was someones pet that had somehow got loose.
    Got some bread and a pear from the house as they were the only things that I thought that it might eat as I didn't have any nuts.  It didn't like those, so got my wife out there as well to keep it company whilst I scrounged around inside trying to find something else to give it. Found some Muesli clusters in the cupboard and got a small container of water for it. That was a bit more appetizing for it, then I remembered my neighbour keeps some parrots so rang them in case it was one of theirs that had got loose. Although it wasn't theirs but they did have a spare cage and their daughters other half works as a vet assist, so they came over and collected it, they will put it up on their facebook page so hopefully it will be reunited with its owner.
    So that's my good deed done for the day.😇

  23. Thanks
    Ed. got a reaction from ellicat in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    I went out to check the letter box this afternoon and heard an odd bird squawk, so look around and there was this young Major Mitchell parrot looking down at me from one of my bamboo clumps about 3m up,  so went closer to get a better look. It started to climb down a branch trying to get down to me so I thought that was a bit odd, normally they fly away when you get too close to them. Anyway it continued climbing down all the way down to the ground branch by branch, then after a bit of coaxing it came up to me and started to nibble on my feet and toes ( brave bird!). Even allowed me to pat it. My wife keeps telling me I need to make new friends, she doesn't like my other ones, the long slithery ones that slide along the ground, It was visibly quite hungry and trying to find something to eat on the ground with out much success, obviously it was someones pet that had somehow got loose.
    Got some bread and a pear from the house as they were the only things that I thought that it might eat as I didn't have any nuts.  It didn't like those, so got my wife out there as well to keep it company whilst I scrounged around inside trying to find something else to give it. Found some Muesli clusters in the cupboard and got a small container of water for it. That was a bit more appetizing for it, then I remembered my neighbour keeps some parrots so rang them in case it was one of theirs that had got loose. Although it wasn't theirs but they did have a spare cage and their daughters other half works as a vet assist, so they came over and collected it, they will put it up on their facebook page so hopefully it will be reunited with its owner.
    So that's my good deed done for the day.😇

  24. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from AUS-BNE-FISHO in Made A New Friend Today, Found A Young short billed corrella.   
    I went out to check the letter box this afternoon and heard an odd bird squawk, so look around and there was this young Major Mitchell parrot looking down at me from one of my bamboo clumps about 3m up,  so went closer to get a better look. It started to climb down a branch trying to get down to me so I thought that was a bit odd, normally they fly away when you get too close to them. Anyway it continued climbing down all the way down to the ground branch by branch, then after a bit of coaxing it came up to me and started to nibble on my feet and toes ( brave bird!). Even allowed me to pat it. My wife keeps telling me I need to make new friends, she doesn't like my other ones, the long slithery ones that slide along the ground, It was visibly quite hungry and trying to find something to eat on the ground with out much success, obviously it was someones pet that had somehow got loose.
    Got some bread and a pear from the house as they were the only things that I thought that it might eat as I didn't have any nuts.  It didn't like those, so got my wife out there as well to keep it company whilst I scrounged around inside trying to find something else to give it. Found some Muesli clusters in the cupboard and got a small container of water for it. That was a bit more appetizing for it, then I remembered my neighbour keeps some parrots so rang them in case it was one of theirs that had got loose. Although it wasn't theirs but they did have a spare cage and their daughters other half works as a vet assist, so they came over and collected it, they will put it up on their facebook page so hopefully it will be reunited with its owner.
    So that's my good deed done for the day.😇

  25. Like
    Ed. got a reaction from GregOug in Bought The Wrong Rod And Line   
    The rod will probably not help but I would say the main issue would be the light lures, as you need to overcome the spools inertia, but you should do better than 2m.
    Just as a test I grabbed one of  my smallest lures, which is a Toby 8gm connected it to my Stealth 300 casting reel with 12lb (0.35mm) mono on a 15kg overhead 1.96m rod and I managed to cast about 15m. Certainly not an  ideal lure weight but much better than the 2m that you have with your setup. So I would say that you either don't have yours setup correctly or there may be an issue with your reel.
    I changed the 8gm lure to a No.4 bean sinker (28gm) and I got 31m, so goes to show what the extra weight will do. Off the top of my memory when I did a similar test a while ago and I used a 2 Oz (57gm) sinker and got about 60m.
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