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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. Ah. Having said that I’m not 100% sure
  2. Well. A quick report. Went out yesterday as planned. The motor, boat and, importantly, the batteries all went well. The weather was a bit of a disappointment though. Far from the predicted less than 0.5m seas I would say they were closer to 1m in the eastern bay. The first gps mark proved a fizzer with the supposed “Hump” at 60 feet deep proving to be a flat tableland acres in extent, all of it 60 feet in depth! Lol. Moved to the next mark only to find a boat already positioned right over top. Every mark anywhere near a beacon was surrounded by boats so we started heading down the bay to the next set of marks but got sick of the chop on top of a decent swell, so headed over to Mud where we proceeded to wet a line for the remainder of the trip. At least it was more like the predicted 0.5 m there. The sum total of fish caught was 2 grinners. We threw these back because even though I seem to remember someone saying we’re good bait (I think) I still despise them from when I used to catch them many years ago. We did get some decent bites here which felt like squire but could have been anything I suppose. It glassed out from the river mouth in, so was able to open the big merc up a bit. All in all, a successful boating outing but a less successful fishing one. Hopefully I’ll find a spot soon where I can take my teenage sons and actually have a chance of catching some reef fish. cheers Greg O
  3. And be aware of the total cost of any bid, including the auction house’s ‘buyers premium”.
  4. Hi all, Just saw this 50hp Evinrude being auctioned. Not sure of the retail price of a new one, whether a good motor or anything else about them but just letting members know in case someone is in the market for one. Certainly not recommending it or the site. Closes in a few hours though. cheers Greg O https://www.lloydsonline.com.au/LotDetails.aspx?smode=0&aid=16380&lid=2223724
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