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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. More than that Old Scaley. We got abused by a guy because he couldn’t get his boat down between my trailer (while we were having the anchor rope saga) and another boat being launched at the same time. He got an earful back! He had his young daughter about eight with him so I had to tone it down somewhat! Otherwise no one else commented on us just sitting there and sitting there, probably because they thought one of us was trekking the mile back to our car to retrieve our boat! Lol
  2. Well. I was hoping no one would ask about the boat. But now that you have I suppose I better fess up. Lol. I did put the boat in and promptly started drifting away because the engine wouldn’t start! Luckily, my son had the quick thinking to get me to toss the anchor rope to him at the end the ramp. My throw just reached and he was able to stop me from going further out. Between him and the slight wind that there was he managed to pull the boat up onto the beach next to the ramp. Tried various things but the motor just wouldn’t turn over. I realised it must have been flat batteries. That’s right. ‘Batteries. Plural’. I specifically specified twin batteries when I ordered the boat so that I wouldn’t have battery problems! They were both flat. After pondering for a while I decided that I needed to get help because it would have been impossible to get the boat back on the trailer. Firstly, because we wouldn’t be able to pull the boat round the steep ramp sides, against the incoming tide and the wind. Secondly, because I honestly didn’t think we would be able to get it back on the trailer using only the winch. She’s a heavy boat and I drive it on and off normally. i ended up calling the Brisbane Coast Guard who turned up after an hour and a half only to discover they hadn’t bought any power startup packs or even jumper leads with them, despite the guy on the phone asking me exactly what they needed. They ended up just tying up to my boat and manoeuvring it over to the ramp, where luckily we were able to get it out using the winch. Thankfully I paid for a yearly membership to the coast guard when I got the new boat. i rang the guy who I bought the boat off and he said it must be because I hadn’t turned the batteries off at the isolator switch and various electrical devices had drained my batteries. I usually turn the switch off when getting back from a day out but hadn’t this time because I was in and out of the boat adding useless marks to the gps. Hopefully this might prevent someone else on here from going through the same thing as me. Modern boats, at least those with smart gauges, Bluetooth stereos, gps’s etc draw power if you leave the switch on! And it’s also why I was able to enlighten Old Scaley about charging his batteries, because I just finished the operator manual for the new battery charger I bought today! Lol. cheers Greg O
  3. Hi Hamish, Most marinas don’t allow fishing but they’re a bit more laid back up there so you were lucky. Anyway, here’s my photo. A hint. It’s in Queensland! cheers Greg O
  4. Rosslyn Bay. I bought the boat before my current boat from there
  5. Went down to the Pinkenba ramp today and couldn’t believe my eyes. There must have been fifty or sixty trailers parked up, including right back up the access road and in the side street off that. This at a ramp that usually has half a dozen trailers at most. People were reversing down trying to launch a third boat on a ramp where two can be a struggle, especially at low tide and with the ramp’s steep and slippery sides. So much for social distancing.
  6. Hi Old Scaley, As long as you attach the Charger clamps to the battery before you plug in the charger (which you should always do anyway) sparking shouldn’t be a problem. However, having said that, if your fuel tank is light enough and easily accessible I would probably err on the side of caution and take it out or move it first. Not sure how new your battery charger is but most modern ones have a fail safe in case you do accidentally put the Clamps on the wrong terminals. cheers Greg O
  7. https://www.bnbfishing.com.au/inshore-coral-trout-fishing-firing-sunny-coast/?mc_cid=887ecbed70&mc_eid=47674f88e7
  8. https://www.bnbfishing.com.au/white-spot-disease-southeast-queensland-again/?mc_cid=887ecbed70&mc_eid=47674f88e7
  9. I think he’s lost himself! Lol
  10. Okay. Thanks guys. Much appreciated. Just thought I’d clarify it.
  11. Hi all, I saw a notice stating Black Jew were a no take for the rest of this year because the pros have already caught the limit imposed! It appears these are a different fish to your normal Mulloway or Jewfish but I’m afraid I’m having difficulty noticing the supposed differences. cheers Greg O https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/fisheries/sustainable/legislation/management-changes-for-black-jewfish https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/1442761/black-jewfish-id-factsheet-recreational.pdf
  12. Well done young Scaley. I fished the POB a few times when I had a little tinny a few years ago and the best I could muster were some decent bream along the rock wall near the mouth. Although I must admit dawn and I just don’t get on. A 8.30 am start is bloody hard for me!
  13. Well done KM. A new motor is an exciting time. Enjoy!
  14. I have only managed to use my new Mercury V8 200hp four stroke twice so can’t comment on their reliability. But I can comment on their fuel usage which I am extremely happy with. Ellicat worked out it used 1.2 litres per mile. Which for a 21 foot fibreglass boat, with five big dudes and 200 litres of fuel on board, cruising at over 35mph and topping out around 50mph, is bloody good economy in my books. cheers Greg
  15. Well done Hamish! Perseverance pays off in the end. I was like you at the same age. Fishing everywhere and anywhere I could, and just occasionally, catching a bloody good fish like you did today. Keep it up!
  16. Thanks for that KM. Sorry to hear you’re having engine problems. Hopefully it will be sorted out quickly.
  17. Hi all, Just wondering if anyone is up on the latest situation with regard to fishing from a boat. The last I heard was that you can go out with one other person not from your household, or more than one person from your household. You must be going to catch fish for your family/household. Is it okay to go out in your boat, into Moreton Bay, to catch fish for your household, with 3 other members of your household? cheers Greg
  18. GregOug

    Bait Board

    No problem Aussie. Sorry I couldn’t give you a sale. cheers Greg
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