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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. GregOug

    NRL 2021

    Might be better to just delete it.
  2. GregOug

    New engine

    Agreed Ed however I think they are targeted at the huge, previously ‘inboard only’ market. As you are no doubt aware, having been a previous sterndrive owner, having the motor onboard can be a real pain in the ......
  3. Yes Hamish. Already learnt that lesson. Lol.
  4. GregOug

    New engine

    I was just thinking about this. I mean, it’s bloody typical isn’t it! I buy a top of the range V8 outboard. So what do they do almost immediately but bring out a V12. If I bought the V12 there’d be a simultaneous announcement about a V16 release. Lol. Luckily my boat would either immediately sink from the weight, or the transom and engine would hit me in the back on their way through the boat and onwards to Moreton, so I can’t even get tempted.
  5. GregOug

    New engine

    Not sure the new steering idea is a bad thing. Makes sense in a way.
  6. Thanks guys. That helps a lot. If he doesn’t want to use PayPal I won’t buy it. And I’ll check with Shippit on Monday as to procedure and costs.
  7. Were you an artist in a previous life Brian?
  8. I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. Lol.
  9. Hi all, Can anyone out there enlighten me about buying things on Gumtree please? If the seller is interstate, how do you pay for the goods? Do you just have to pay them and trust the item is as described when it arrives? I noticed that you can now link your PayPal account to your Gumtree account, which I have done. But I presume the seller has to have done likewise otherwise it won’t work? How do you pay otherwise? Directly into their bank account? Also, does anyone know which companies transport rods (in this case 7 feet in length) interstate? cheers Greg
  10. Yes. I had one on my flybridge cruiser and when it gave out one day we were able to disconnect the gear and pull it up by hand. Luckily I had about six strapping lads onboard at the time and they bought it in. They were all totally knackered when it was finally on board but you can do it manually.
  11. Hey @Cobiaaddict, I did note one thing you are doing wrong. When the sun is out you put your hat on, when it’s cloudy you can take it off, not the other way round. Now, if you come out as deckie (or skipper, your choice) on my boat and you teach me how to catch those bigguns, I’m prepared to teach you hat etiquette. How’s that for a deal?
  12. Just looked both them up. They’re a rip off! They have holes in them everywhere.
  13. GregOug

    New engine

    Just looked it up. $77,000 US which is around $99,000 Aus. No need to consult the Minister. Just do it. You can always live on the boat.
  14. GregOug

    New engine

    You mean we can do racing changes in a boat. Bring it on! Lol.
  15. GregOug

    New engine

    Yeah. Apparently the motor stays put and only the gear box and below actually move.
  16. Whatcha talkin’ bout Willis?
  17. Welcome mate. Perhaps you can become our resident Tassie expert.
  18. Lol. Don’t you just love freshwater fishing. Car park not big enough? Get the mower out!
  19. Well, that stuffed that idea! Lol.
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