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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. Hey! You should be proud as punch with the fish you’ve been catching up there.
  2. Nothing much to mention unfortunately. I lost a decent grassie at the boat and missed a few decent runs but the tides weren’t really right today. The tide just started coming in as we had to leave, but at least we got out there for a while. The weather has been absolutely terrible for bay fishing lately. I also lost one of my two good marks (that’s right, a whole two) through stupidity. I must have renamed the wrong mark and deleted the good one. I don’t suppose there’s any way of retrieving deleted marks from an SD card is there? The only other point of note was the absolutely huge swell at the mouth of the river this morning with the wind against the tide. Never seen it so big. Even the Tangalooma Flyer (or whatever it’s called these days) which was just in front of us slowed nearly to a stop to get through it.
  3. You missed your calling @ellicat. To the photographic world’s loss.
  4. A pain in the behind really. Had a Garmin previously and found it much more user friendly. I find auto -routing in particular very hit and miss with the Lowrance. On the plus side, it reads the bottom even when doing a fast speed.
  5. We probably won’t launch until 7:15 or so. The tides aren’t really right to warrant an early launch.
  6. Yeah. And have it installed in the ceiling with a drip feed directly to my mouth.
  7. Bottle? Wine comes in bottles?
  8. Good luck with that. That’s what I’ve got.
  9. Hey! Give me a chance! I have to cook dinner, get the boat ready for tomorrow, repair the broken rod I just broke getting ready for tomorrow, etc etc
  10. And so @Old Scaley enters the list of those never invited out on their mate’s boat ever again.
  11. Some nice fish there Hamish. Well done!
  12. Okay. Well, I would be leaving from POB as usual and probably heading to Green, so not sure we can pass baits to each other. But I will try to remember to turn the radio on, and if I do, will turn it to channel 20. If either of us are in danger of sinking due to the weight of fish we can message the other for help. How does that sound?
  13. Mate, if I even see a three metre shark I’m up and out of there, not trying to catch it. What are you going to do with it when you do finally get it to the boat? Kiss it? Good luck.
  14. Well, as usual, I can beat that. We had a hail storm a few years ago that was that severe that ALL the down pipes filled totally with hail and collapsed under the weight and split into millions of pieces. (Poetic licence used here. Probably thousands, not millions, but who’s going to count them).There wasn’t a down pipe left.
  15. Well, I have read that more people get attacked by barracudas than sharks. And having once bought a six foot couta into the boat and witnessed the absolute chaos that ensued I can totally believe that. It went berserk, trying to attack us from every direction. We jumped on the seats and had to hit it with the donga about a dozen times to subdue it. Very bloody scary. Then, when we had finally placed it to rest, we realised that a six foot couta was not going to fit into a three foot esky so we had to chop it up. What with the couta knocking everything flying trying to get at us, the autopsy needed to fit it in the esky and the pouring rain happening at the time a lot of abattoirs would have looked a lot cleaner than my boat did after it was all over. Then to cap it all off, when I got home and checked my Grants Guide to Fishes I realised that you couldn’t even eat them! Lol.
  16. Yeah. Totally agree. Black boats with green trim all the way!
  17. Then again, if you’ve seen me, you’d realise I was never going to fit in the gauge.
  18. Yes. And I haven’t even used my boat in over a month. It’s very sad when you can’t use either of them. Although, I do occasionally sit in it and turn the steering wheel very fast, and go Vroom, Vroom! Just makes me feel a bit better. p.s I sit in the boat, not the rain gauge.
  19. In fact, all I’ve got left in life is my boat and my rain gauge.
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