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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. Okay but 20cm can make all the difference in certain circumstances.
  2. Hate to ask but is that your donger on the floor near your foot?
  3. Thanks KM. Very informative.
  4. And if you don’t catch anything on the 2lb line you can always use it for flossing. Although, come to think of it, it would probably just break so don’t bother.
  5. I know you haven’t put the clue up yet @Drop Bear but I’m guessing grinner.
  6. Not the dead ones. When you first catch them I mean.
  7. Sounds great Hamish. Remember to sleep sometime though.
  8. Wow! Plenty of good results there, Hamish. Well done! Just a little note. I think the word you meant immediately before the first picture of a shark is ‘Phew’, not ‘Few’. cheers Greg
  9. Actually they don’t look that dear for waterside properties.
  10. I’m a bit confused. Did the guy give you the new rod and reel or your dad? And if the guy did, why? Lol.
  11. Sorry Jaz but I would never travel 50k’s offshore in a 4.2m dory.! A recipe for disaster.
  12. Are you using it in a boat or shore based?
  13. I just throw a bait out and hope for the best.
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