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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. An extract from the chances of winning lotto Being struck by lightning Odds: 1 in 12,000 You have a far greater chance of being struck by lightning than winning Gold Lotto. Now, at the not-so-lucky end of the rainbow, you also have a far greater chance of being hit by lightning than winning the lotto. Surprisingly, statistics show the chance of being struck by lightning in your lifetime is only one in 12,000. But can you guess the most common activity people are doing when they are struck? Fishing. So, if you don’t mind throwing a line in from time to time, take this as a timely warning. For all of us though, there are some simple things we can remember during storm season that will reduce the odds. Most of us know not to shelter under tall trees and structures but, just as importantly, you should also make sure you’re not the tallest thing if you’re in an exposed area. Experts say that if you can see lightning, or hear thunder, even in the distance, you are already at risk. Amazingly, lightning can strike as far as 16km away from a storm. So, if you’re outside and you see the tell-tale rumbling clouds rolling in, it’s time to take cover indoors. If you are one of the few that are struck by lightning and survive to tell the tale, you can consider yourself very lucky indeed – go ahead and buy yourself a lottery ticket
  2. GregOug

    Fishing Kayaks

    Oh well, if I see anything else interesting I’ll post it then. I presume the link works that I put to it?
  3. GregOug

    Fishing Kayaks

    Not sure if this ad is showing up at the top of the AFO page for everyone or if it is targeted, but it claims to be selling fishing kayaks for less than half price. Although, not sure why I’d be targeted with kayak ads as I certainly don’t want one. Too much work for me. Anyway just putting it up here in case someone is interested. https://www.kayaks2fish.com/brisbane/3m-nextgen-10-kayak/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-cORlouO6wIViR9gCh1HqgM0EAEYASAAEgIpJfD_BwE cheers Greg
  4. That’s okay. I was only joking about the fingers. And he’s a pretty good deckie really. I’m free most days, just need some good weather.
  5. Hi Kat, You are welcome to come out as deckie on my boat sometime if you like. I have taken my current deckie out twice now for absolutely no keepers. Not his fault of course. I could take the current Australian Fishing Champion out and still catch nothing. However, I have suspicions that he thinks I have ‘problems’, which I didn’t think he’d catch on to so quickly. Also, I had to spend a hundred bucks to buy a thicker anchor rope because the cheap thin one I originally bought cut one of his fingers off. I mean, some people! There’s just no keeping them happy. Anyway, just let me know if you’d like to come out. Oh, and bring light line (preferably 1lb or less) and wear gloves. Still not sure if the anchor rope is thick enough. cheers Greg P.S If your husband is a 6 foot 6 possessive body builder please disregard the above invitation. P.P.S Happy to bring my current deckie along to show you the ‘ropes’. Ha Ha
  6. Hi KM, I think that all depends on the size of the rocks around it. cheers Greg
  7. Also Kat, in your introduction I noticed you were seeking advice on a few things. So here goes: Snags- now this one area I am a specialist in. If there is a snag anywhere in the immediate area I will find it. After much consideration I have come to the conclusion that the best way to deal with snags is to fish as light as absolutely possible. That way it is easier to break them off. In fact if you can find 1lb line go for it. Cleaning gear - sorry, can’t help you there. Never done it. Threading bait - not sure about this one at all. Once again, don’t think I’ve ever done it. What are you threading it with? Cotton? Wool? I just put it on my hook. Hope I’ve been of some help. cheers Greg
  8. Hi Kat, If you want fish for dinner just do what I do. Follow another boat to their secret spot, still catch nothing, look downcast and eat the fish they give you when they see how pathetic you really are. cheers Greg cc @ellicat, @Old Scaley, the dentist
  9. I hope that’s the breams blood on the rocks near its mouth?
  10. If you spent a higher budget you could get a boat she could invite her friends out on. ‘Think of it, dear, off to Tangalooma for the day, a quick swim in the crystal clear waters, lunch and a Chardonnay or two at the bar and a leisurely drive back to end a perfect day. Your friends will be envious!’ It’s worth a try at least and I always find if you aim for the sky and then scale it back somewhat later on, she feels like you have listened to her better judgement and compromised.
  11. For the winning team, there is also the opportunity to have a “SUBURBS OF ORIGIN 2020 CHAMPIONS – TEAM NORTH” which will be available to anyone on the winning team. Please see above @Old Scaley. The trophy is already stamped. You need to read the fine print, which i must say @christophagus has done a fine job on!
  12. Yeah, I know @ellicat. Just trying to make a joke. Didn’t work.
  13. Thanks for setting up the comp @christophagus. Much appreciated.
  14. The trophy will probably look like this below (tbc and finalised at the end of the comp) 14cm tall, and the cost of it will need to be paid for by the winning angler who wants one. One final thing @christophagus. Sorry to be a nuisance. Do you have trophies in your garage for all species types or only this one? For example, it doesn’t look much like a flathead. I suppose if you squinted enough it might. Just wondering.
  15. Not really KM. I’m just helping @christophagus ensure the Southsiders have no possible excuse when the Northsiders win.
  16. Also, I know it’s not going to have any effect on the outcome, and it might not be apparent from my posts whose side I’m on, but could you add me for the Northside please @christophagus.
  17. To keep it plain and simple, if you live North of the Brisbane river, you are Team North If you live South of the Brisbane river, you are Team South It’s not about where you were born, just about where you live now. Another thing - what if you live on the river? Do you get to choose?
  18. I only got to the second line and already I have a protest. South of the river there’s NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and several base stations in the Australian Antarctic Territory as well as the insignificant part of Queensland south of the river while to the North there’s only Queensland proper. The Southsiders are already cheating!.
  19. Are you still cleaning the fish!? Are you still cleaning the fish?
  20. Don’t worry too much Brian. If it isn’t in your yard just drive around Carindale. It’ll probably have unhitched itself anyway.
  21. Have you checked your yard to see if it’s still there?
  22. Whereas everyone else on here is in peak physical condition!
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